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5 Winter Safety Tips for Fox Cities & Green Bay Area Seniors

Wisconsin is known for its long, harsh winters. While a blanket of fresh white snow is magical, wintery weather and dropping temperatures can pose safety risks to older adults. Seniors are more prone to hyperthermia than younger people are. Additionally, mobility and balance issues can increase the chance of slips, trips, and falls on icy surfaces.
Fox Cities and Green Bay area seniors should play it safe during the winter to prevent injury and illness. 
Use these five quick tips to stay safe and sound all winter long. 

1. Wear Appropriate Clothing 

As previously mentioned, older adults are more susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite. Seniors must dress in appropriate winter attire to reduce the risk of winter-related health issues.
Some of the best clothing to protect yourself from the cold are:
Warm socks
Water-resistant boots
A heavy, waterproof coat
A hat
A scarf
Always dress in layers if you’re heading out in frigid weather. You can shed layers as necessary to stay comfortable. 

2. Monitor Your Indoor Temperatures 

Seniors’ risk of hypothermia isn’t limited to the outdoors. Unfortunately, older adults can get hypothermia inside of their homes, too. Seniors must be mindful of their indoor temperatures to stay comfortable, cozy, and safe. The National Institute on Aging recommends keeping your heat to at least 70 degrees.  
Need help with your high heating bills? Eligible low-income seniors may receive assistance from programs like the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP). 

3. Watch Where You Walk 

Snow, sleet, and ice can increase the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Fox Cities and Green Bay area seniors should pay close attention to where they walk during snowy weather to avoid accidents or injuries. Contact a local snow removal and salting company, like Fox Valley Snow Plowing, to keep your driveway and walkways free of ice and snow. 

4. Be Smart About Electric Blankets and Space Heaters 

Space heaters and electric blankets can keep you warm and toasty. However, these devices also pose health and fire risks to seniors if not used properly. Always unplug space heaters when they are not in use. Be sure to keep them away from flammable materials like paper and cloth.
Additionally, seniors should exercise caution when using electric blankets to avoid burns and shocks. Always choose electric blankets with automatic shutoff features. 

5. Be Careful Behind the Wheel 

Seniors should winterize their cars well before the first snowfall to stay safe on the roadways. Have a certified mechanic inspect your brakes, install all-weather tires, and ensure your battery isn’t faulty. When you are out driving, always take it nice and slow. Keep a safe distance between your car and the vehicle in front, and avoid driving during snowstorms. 
Right at Home of Fox Cities and Green Bay Helps Seniors Stay Safe All Winter 

Right at Home of Fox Cities and Green Bay is proud to offer personalized in-home caregiving services to seniors throughout the region. We help seniors stay safe with reliable transportation, wandering prevention, and more.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you stay safe and comfortable this winter.

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