4th Week, Customer Service Training

In its 4th and last installment of the Customer Service training for the Right at Home Office of Brooklyn, our trainer, Tony Aguilar, finished strong by recapping and visiting additional factors to creating a customer satisfaction oriented business, and how avoiding conflicts is even better than solving them. 

Digging a little dipper on customer service, and how it can make a difference in our interaction with our clients, we learned the essentials of Conflict Resolution, 

• Listening
• Getting the facts
• Trying to avoid emotional explosions
• Solving Problems as quickly as possible
• Being clear about agreements and
• Being Committed to fairness, 

That road map, if followed properly, can be used to solve and defuse any difficult situation that may arise in our daily jobs. 

By reminding us to smile and to have a nice and positive tone, speaking clear, keeping a calming presence and taking ownership of the situation, Tony taught us, that emotions and negative thoughts can be transmitted over the phone, even without a visual contact. 

It was a privilege and a pleasure having Tony as our guest for the last 4 weeks, as we are sure that his teachings and practical tips will make us and our services better in the days and years to come.

Walter Ochoa
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