Dementia Care Tips

Tips for Taking Care of an Elder with Dementia

Dementia can drastically transform how your elderly loved one acts, feels, and communicates. One minute they can seem calm and friendly, and the next they can appear agitated and possibly violent. Caring for someone with this condition can be extremely frustrating, but with these tips, you will be able to greatly reduce your stress and help you enjoy being a family caregiver once again.

Maintain a Positive Attitudedementia care

Losing patience with your loved one can actually make them act out even more. Instead of becoming frustrated with the elder, try a more positive approach when caring for them. To do this, here are some techniques to keep in mind.

  • Approach slowly and from the front. Older adults with dementia do not like to be surprised, so it is important that you approach them slowly and from the front. This way, they will be able to easily see you as you are coming closer to them.
  • Call them by name. If you are trying to get the senior's attention, try using their name. While there will be a number of things they can't remember, the one thing they should know is their name.
  • Stay at their eye level. Even if doing so requires you to crouch down, do it in order to show your loved one that you are not threatening to them and that you are at their level.
  • Use touch. Holding their hand or hugging them can do wonderful things for their mood and emotions. It is perfect for getting them to calm down or diffuse a situation.


Get Help

When you first agreed to care for your loved one, they were probably still somewhat independent. But once the dementia progresses, verbally communicating with you, remembering information they should know, and doing simple tasks will become more difficult. Consider hiring professional caregivers to take over the care of your loved one, while you get a much-needed break. These home care providers are specially trained to care for people with health problems, like dementia. You will finally get the chance to take care of your own responsibilities or do something you enjoy with a professional caregiver in your place.


Travel with Caution

Whether you plan on leaving for a few hours or a few days, it is necessary that you have all of the essentials packed and ready to go. Pack a tote bag with the following items in order to be prepared a road trip with your loved one:

  • Medications
  • A change of clothes in case of an accident
  • Snacks and water
  • Activities that will keep your loved one entertained
  • Wipes
  • Incontinence pads

You may also want to schedule bathroom stops and have someone else ride with you for help.




If you or an aging loved one are considering caregivers in Brooklyn, please call the caring staff at Right at Home of Brooklyn (347) 554-8400 or our website

Author: Walter Ochoa, Owner, Right at Home Brooklyn

Walter Ochoa is the owner and operator of Right at Home, which is located in Brooklyn. Walter graduated from the University of the Valley in Guatemala. He met and married his college sweetheart, Jean, who is American. They moved to Brooklyn, where they currently live with their 2 children. They are very involved in the community.

Walter has worked for some of the top financial service companies holding various positions from Project Management to Compliance Control Specialist. Despite his success, he had always wanted to do something more fulfilling that would give him a greater sense of inner satisfaction. He wanted to assist those who wished to stay in their own homes, but could no longer do it alone, like the elderly and disabled. So when the opportunity arose for him to start his own business, he took it. In 2010, Walter and Jean ventured to open Right at Home of Brooklyn, which services all of New York City.

Walter knows he made the right decision because he saw the need was definitely there. Now Right at Home assists not only the elderly and disabled, but adults of any age that need some assistance or an extra hand to continue living Right at Home.” That conviction, plus his Culture of Care philosophy, makes Right at Home one of the most Care driven Home Care agencies around.

Walter Ochoa
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