The Gift of an Indoor Garden

The Gift of an Indoor Garden

Here Are a Few Reasons Why In Home Care Service Providers in Brooklyn, NY, Are Providing Seniors With Indoor Gardens

If you’re caring for a senior, you understand the importance of always finding new ways to improve their quality of life. One activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages is gardening. Unfortunately, if you have a parent or grandparent living in an apartment or an assisted living facility, outdoor gardening might not be an option. That doesn’t mean they have to give it up, however. Members of our in home care service team all across Brooklyn have discovered the benefits that come with providing seniors with the opportunity to care for indoor gardens. Here are a few ways an indoor garden can benefit the senior in your life.

Gardens Provide a Connection to Nature

No matter who you are, you can benefit by getting more in touch with the natural world. This is especially true for anyone living in an environment where such a connection isn’t readily available. Brooklyn home caregivers have learned they can satisfy this need by providing seniors with an indoor garden. Caring for a garden has a calming effect and can reduce the stress and anxiety that afflict people in everyday life. The act of gardening has a meditative quality that encourages reflection and steady breathing, helping to combat feelings of depression.

Gardens Provide a Sense of Purpose

For people who’ve spent their entire lives caring for the wellbeing of others, spending your days being taken care of by family or an in home care service can be a difficult transition. An elderly person might feel like their life no longer has the same purpose, and that they’ve become a burden to those around them. An indoor garden gives a senior the opportunity to nurture living things. The regular act of watering and maintaining a garden can help a person feel needed, and for every plant that thrives, there’s a sense of achievement that can enhance a person’s self-worth.

Gardening May Help Combat Dementia

The process of gardening excites the mind in a way few other things can. When you’re watering and trimming and performing other tasks, you’re working intimately in an environment full of a variety of different colors and textures. The fact that the gardener needs to stick to a watering schedule to maintain a healthy garden helps trigger memories such as taking medications or calling family members.

Give Us A Call

Whether you’d like to spice up your loved one’s life with an indoor garden, or you require any other type of assistance, Right At Home of Brooklyn, NY, has an in home care service team dedicated to helping you and your loved one. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our website, or give us a call at (347) 554-8400.

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