Senior Spring Cleaning Tips

Senior Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring Cleaning Ideas for Seniors Receiving Home Care Assistance

It’s been a tough winter for New Yorkers. Thankfully, spring is right around the corner, and that means it’s time for spring cleaning! Of course, for a lot of seniors coping with mobility issues, the idea of a big home clean to greet the new season is easier said than done.

As the leading providers of home care assistance in Brooklyn, NY, Right at Home has a few ideas on how seniors can give their home the spring cleaning it so richly deserves.

Don’t Go It Alone

As we age, it’s natural to want to take care of as many things on our own as we always have. The fact is, doing a lot of cleaning around the house is not only difficult as we get older, it can be unsafe. Your family loves you and wants to help, so give your loved ones a call to see if they can assist you with your spring cleaning plans. They can provide the heavy lifting, and clear out all the parts of your home that are hard to reach. A project like a spring clean also provides an opportunity for you and the family to catch up.

Write Up a Checklist

There’s a lot that’s involved with cleaning your home, and the task can quickly become overwhelming if you’re not well organized. Write down all the specific jobs that need to be done, and tackle the hard ones first (after calling your family, naturally). This will also encourage you to spread out the work, since there’s no reason you should feel like you have to finish everything in a single day.

Clear Out the Clutter

A cluttered home is not only unsightly, it can be hazardous to your health. If you’re suffering from mobility issues, the last thing you need is a home that’s so crowded with stuff, it makes it even harder to get around. While professional home care assistance can help, getting rid of things you no longer use can make it easier to move about the house on your own.

Equip Yourself First

You shouldn’t clean anything until you have the right tools for the job. Using a duster with an extender will help you clean the hard-to-reach spots without fear of falling. Other helpful cleaning items include standing dustpans and cordless vacuums. If you don’t have everything you need, have a family member or home care assistance provider pick up those items for you.

If you have a loved one who could use some help with spring cleaning, or anything else around the house, contact the experts at Right at Home of Brooklyn, NY. We can provide them with the home care assistance they need to age gracefully at home. Call us today at (347) 554-8400.

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