Stress Management for Seniors

Stress Management for Seniors in Brooklyn, NY

How at home elder care from right at home can help your loved one

Stress is something we all have to contend with. We may not always realize it, but stress can impact everything about our health. Because stress has a profound effect on everything from our sleep patterns and eating habits to high blood pressure, managing that stress is essential to maintaining good health. At Right At Home of Brooklyn, NY, our at home elder care professionals are experts in assisting elderly patients deal with the stress they confront on a daily basis.

The Effects of Stress on the Elderly

Stress can be especially challenging for seniors who find themselves confronting new sources of stress they’ve never had to deal with before. Older people often find themselves worried over health issues, financing their retirement, and an overall sense of loss. Here are a few things you can do to better manage the stress of the people you care about most.

Embracing a Positive Outlook on Life

To combat the negative impacts of stress, it’s important that a person find the joys in daily living. Here are a few techniques your loved one can practice to achieve a more positive outlook.

  • Make a Note of Your Troubles — A lot can be accomplished by simply writing down what’s bothering you. You may be able to identify a short-terms solution in some cases. If the problem is not so easily resolved, putting it in writing can help your family member in properly defining an issue so that they can better discuss it with a loved one or friend.
  • Stay Active — Physical exercise is crucial in maintaining mental health. Make sure your loved one is engaged in some kind of physical activity for 30 minutes a day. Even those with mobility issues can still find ways to keep busy. Swim classes, for instance, are ideal for those who are limited in other ways.
  • Maintain Social Connections — Loneliness can creep up on anyone, but seniors are especially vulnerable. Make sure that your older relative maintains their social connections. Make regular visits, and encourage them to go out and see their friends and family members even on days when they may feel too tired to do so.
  • Try New Things — Retirement should be a time to experiment with things we’ve never had the time to try before. If your loved one’s expressed an interest in painting — but has never tried it — now’s the time to learn. They can take classes to learn new skills either in person or online.
  • Laugh — The value of laughter in alleviating stress cannot be overestimated. Make sure your loved one spends time with company they enjoy, and do what you can to keep conversations lively and funny. A little laughter can go a long way.

Reliable Providers of At Home Elder Care

At Right At Home, our caregivers know that their patients’ mental health is every bit as important as their physical health, and will help your loved one find joy in the little pleasures that are possible every day. They will assist them with their daily requirements while taking the time to engage in conversation, and provide the assistance they need to pursue their interests, hobbies, and relationships.

For more information about at home elder care from Right At Home of Brooklyn, NY, reach out to us online, or give us a call today at (347) 554-8400.

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