Virtual Dementia Presentation

Priests and parishoners began filling up the auditorium at Our Lady of Angels church in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, this past Wednesday evening. It was one of the largest gatherings that Right at Home franchise owner Walter Ochoa has ever presented his Virtual Dementia Tour to.

Dozens of attendees, people who currently care for loved ones with Alzheimer’s and the daily affects of Dementia that goes with it, were present. You can see on the faces of many of these caregivers that they wanted answers to questions like what exactly is the cause of Alzheimer’s? Why does my mom act the way she does? How can I display greater patience and compassion for my loved one?

They found answers to these questions and many more as Walter simply and systematically explained illuminating information such as how this dreaded disease spreads throughout the brain and what symptoms of dementia you can expect over time.

As in every presentation, two volunteers from the audience were asked to come up front and put on the special virtual equipment that allows them to personally experience what it is like, just for a few minutes, to have Alzheimer’s. Both participants seemed lost and confused not being able to  perform even one simple task like folding  a towel or matching a pair of socks. I saw audience members shaking their heads as if to say, “Yes! this is exactly how my mom or dad acts when I ask them to do something.” Now they know why. They now understand what is happening in the brain that causes such confusion and loss of normal functions.

Afterwards, Walter was surrounded, for at least 30 minutes, with people wanting to ask him questions about their situation. He was glad to assist them in any way he could.

Since this meeting was held in a church, I feel comfortable saying that many of the attendees are praying for a cure to be found soon. I know I am.

Walter Ochoa
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