Person-Centered Care for Someone with Dementia

Person-Centered Care for Someone with Dementia

Webinar Training

Right at Home, in conjunction with the American Society on Aging, hosted a webinar on Thursday, September 20th entitled “Person-Centered Care for Someone with Dementia.” A local viewing of the webinar, which was seen by medical, health and care professional throughout the United States, was hosted at the Right at Home offices in Burbank. This Right at Home office services the Beverly Hills and Hollywood area, along with Glendale, Burbank and other surrounding locations.

Seven Right at Home care aides attended this vital training opportunity which focused on five key objectives:

  • Define dementia
  • Describe how to focus on an individual’s abilities
  • Recognize the importance of families in caring for individuals with cognitive decline
  • Discuss the value of person-centered care
  • List risk factors to providing care to individuals with cognitive decline

Currently, 47.5 million people live with a form of dementia. That number is expected to double by 2030. It’s statistics like these that makes it imperative that Right at Home assure that it’s care aides are the most trained, highest qualified in the industry to provide care to this population.

Continuing the education and enhancing the skill set of our care aides is extremely important to Right at Home,” stated co-owner Leanna Dickstein. “Bringing our aides together to not only view the webinar, but subsequently discuss what they learned and share their own experiences we feel helps our aides provide the best possible care to the individuals they serve.

The webinar informed viewers about the five core mental functions and the 10 persistent dementia signs and symptoms. By establishing this, aides then learned how getting to know the individual, and all the things that make their lives special, allow caregivers to provide Person-Centered care.

"This was very good,” said Sandra Hernandez, a home care aide with Right at Home for 5 years. “It helps me understand my patients better.”

After the webinar, Right at Home Client Care Manager Janelle Woods led the attendees in a further discussion about Dementia and role-played scenarios each care could face and how they would handle each situation.

Right at Home, in addition to annual online training, conducts 20 in-service trainings throughout the year to educate, reinforce and enhance the knowledge and abilities of all its employees.

Doug Dickstein
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