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A caregiver with a mask does medication management for his client. A caregiver with a mask does medication management for his client.

Caregiver Spotlight

Caregivers Are the Heart and Soul of Right at Home Glendale/Burbank

Right at Home Glendale/Burbank's mission is to improve the quality of life for those we serve. We succeed through teamwork and having the best caregivers in the industry. Their professionalism, training, compassion and commitment to our clients and our clients' loved ones is unparalleled and we appreciate all they do. Every year, every month, every day we appreciate our outstanding Caregivers who are going above and beyond to create an amazing experience for our clients in Glendale/Burbank and its surrounding areas. We truly value our outstanding people. Who knows, maybe a career as a caregiver is right for you!

A line-art icon of a hand holding a heart

Benefits of a Right at Home Career

  • Flexible hours and competitive pay
  • A caring, supportive team
  • An independent work environment
  • Learning new senior care skills
  • Building one-on-one relationships with clients and families
  • Growth and training opportunities

We Love Our Caregivers

At Right at Home we value our care aides and want to make sure everyone feels they are recognized and appreciated.


2018 Caregiver of the Year Nominee

The first shift Maria Castro ever worked with Right at Home was a client who needed service for one-day for a few hours. She arrived 30 minutes early. "It was my first shift and I didn't want to be late so I made sure to get here 30 minutes ahead of time." That work ethic and sense of responsibility has been the hallmark of Maria's work with Right at Home in the 6 years that she's been providing quality care for well over 40 Right at Home clients. She is simply never late. She has never received a negative review from a client and rather is consistently lauded for her compassion and skill. She has the rare ability to combine technical know-how with a truly warm and sincere personality. She has the rare ability to combine technical know-how with a truly warm and sincere personality.

Maria Castro - Caregiver of the Year Nominee 2018 Maria Castro - Caregiver of the Year Nominee 2018

Kelley P.

2018 Caregiver of the Year Nominee

Kelley is an exceptional caregiver who combines experience and skill with a consciousness work ethic who is more than deserving of this recognition. Kelley has worked with Right at Home since 2013 and during that time she has never caused issues or received a complaint. She is a consistent performer who seldom calls out of a shift and on those rare occasions that she does, always gives us ample notice so we're never caught off guard. She has shown the ability to provide personal care along with the kindness to be effective when providing companion care as well as showing a deft touch when providing dementia care. She is oft lauded by the family of the client she's primarily worked with the last few years and we are so happy to have Kelley as part of our team.

Kelley Phillips - Caregiver of the Year Nominee Kelley Phillips - Caregiver of the Year Nominee

Megan M.

2018 Caregiver of the Year Nominee

Megan is on her second tour of duty with Right at Home. She originally worked with us for a few years beginning in 2011 and then, after having to take a brief hiatus, returned to Right at Home in 2016. Megan didn't have a lot of caregiving experience prior to working with Right at Home, but her creativity, professionalism, sincerity and earnestness - as well as her enthusiastic willingness to attend extra training's and expand her skill set - have quickly established her as one of Right at Home's premiere care aides. Whether working short shifts or long shifts; whether dealing with easier clients or more difficult ones, Megan displays a light and friendly demeanor that makes her one of our most popular care aides with clients. Her ability to "roll with the punches", extreme reliability and top-notch performance make her a deserving nominee.

Meghan McHone Caregiver of the Year for Right at Home Glendale/Burbank Meghan McHone Caregiver of the Year for Right at Home Glendale/Burbank

Ellen A.

2017 Caregiver of the Year

Ms. Ellen Antler has been with the Right at Home Glendale and Burbank team since June of 2014. She was nominated for the Right at Home Corporate Caregiver of the Year program for 2017.

Ellen works with two primary clients – a woman in her 90's in terrific physical condition for her age but battling dementia; and another woman in her 90's who is still mentally sharp, but physically declining. Ellen handles these two polar opposite cases with such self-confidence. With the woman with dementia, Ellen keeps her safe, keeps her house clean, maintains her nutrition and has built a bond of trust so strong that her daughter calls Ellen "indispensable." With her other client, she works a split shift on Saturday, making sure breakfast and dinner are made, assisting her with getting ready in the morning and at night to playing a mean game of scrabble with her. When Ellen was out, one client's daughter said that while the replacement aides were fine, there was only "one Ellen" and that she was "irreplaceable." Ellen's ability to relate to her clients while also providing them Grade A care is a rare and highly valuable skill and it does not go unnoticed or underappreciated.

Caregiver Training

Ellen has always stayed on top of California state mandated training requirements along with additional Right at Home required training. She was the first caregiver – after implementation of the new state caregiver certification process implemented in 2016 to actively ask what extra training she could take to improve her skill sets. Ellen recognizes the need for continuing professional development and is always easy to work with when it comes to increasing training or maintaining certifications.

Respected and Prepared

Ellen is extremely popular and well respected among the office staff. Her high performance combined with her consistent reliability has made her someone that can be trusted, but her always-pleasant personality makes her someone the staff is never hesitant to speak with. More times than not, when extra care notes are needed or gloves need to be supplied, Ellen doesn't just leave a message and say "we need these drop them off," but rather stops in the office and says "I wanted to save you the trip, can I pick some care notes and gloves up." The same is true with her other care aides. When an aide recently misplaced a sweater at a client's home that Ellen also worked with, Ellen went out of her way to search and find the missing article of clothing so it could be returned. She's just an extremely nice person.
Ellen Antler Ellen Antler
A female care worker smiling in the background. In the foreground is an elderly female patient smiling back.
A female care worker smiling in the background. In the foreground is an elderly female patient smiling back.

Hear What Others Are Saying

5 star icon
"I would absolutely recommend them. I like the scheduling. The people who call me for clients are very friendly."



Hear What Others Are Saying

5 star icon
"I like that they are flexible, and they are willing to work with my schedule. I like the management because they do a good job of taking care of what needs to be taken care of. They also pay well."



Hear What Others Are Saying

5 star icon
"They are personable. They care and get out there to find you work. They are very understanding."

Hear What Others Are Saying

5 star icon
"I like that they offer a flexible schedule, nice clients, and a helpful staff. I also like the classes that they offer for training."

Our Promises to Our Caregivers

We promise to help you become the best you can be. We will equip you as a professional by providing best-in-class training and investing in your professional development.

We promise to coach you to success. We’re always available to support you and offer you tips to be the best at delivering care to clients.

A female caregiver smiles up at her client as she prepares her wheelchair. A female caregiver smiles up at her client as she prepares her wheelchair.