Creative Ways to Document Life Stories
Telling stories characterizes the human condition, from the stories we listen to, read, tell each other, and participate in. Family get-togethers may include long conversations of storytelling. Indeed, studies have shown that telling stories can help...
Nobody knows exactly what to expect from their aging journey. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. The good news is, you don’t have to go through it alone. Right at Home exists to be your guide to successful living...
Memory Café
A memory café is a welcoming place for people with forgetfulness or other changes in their thinking and for their family and friends. Our Memory Café is done virtually so everyone near or far has the ability to enjoy the program. All cafes share one goal:...
There is no single roadmap for the aging journey. Whether you are plotting a course for your own future, or you’re helping a loved one, chances are you will run into obstacles you hadn’t anticipated. For decades, families all over the world have trusted...
Fall Prevention Guide
The home should be a place of comfort for aging loved ones or those with disabilities. But, without a fall prevention strategy, it could...
Adult Caregiving Guide
You’re happy to help your aging loved one, but it isn’t always easy. And knowing when you may need some extra help can also be a challenge. Don’t ignore the signs that your loved one’s needs are changing...
Understanding Grief: A Guide for Grieving Caregivers
Grief associated with the loss or the expected loss of a loved one can be overwhelming. Intense and often unexpected emotions can feel unmanageable and unending. As a caregiver, you may have experienced anticipatory...
Ways To Pay for In-Home Senior Care: A Guide for Families
The vast majority of older adults want to age in place, in their own homes, as long as they can. However, aging, disability, illness or injury can make living at home a challenge. In-home care provided by professionals like Right at Home can be the answer...
Work With Us
We are looking for people who are as driven as we are to improve the quality of life for those we serve. It’s an incredibly rewarding mission that our team is dedicated to achieving. Our support staff and caregivers play key roles in empowering seniors...
Your Career as a Caregiver
A Note about COVID-19 Now, more than ever, it’s clear how essential caregivers really are. The people we serve rely on our caregivers, not just for companionship during a time of isolation, but also for assistance with their basic needs. Without...