Top 14 Healthy Foods Critical to Senior Diets

Eating habits can be hard to change, especially as we age. Yet, making small changes to our eating habits can significantly impact our overall health. When it comes to maintaining physical well-being, it’s never too early to start. 

If you or a senior loved one struggles to incorporate healthy foods into your diet, you’re not alone. Learn more about what foods you can incorporate into your meal plans to make them healthier and how the local community can support your decision to prioritize your health. Before we get too far, let’s talk about why healthy eating is such a big deal. 

The Importance of Healthy Eating for Seniors 

Healthy eating is critical at any stage in life, regardless of age. A proper diet goes a long way in supporting our bodies. Here are a few of the many benefits of healthy eating habits: 

  • Improved brain function

  • Reduced risk of cancer 

  • Diabetes prevention

  • Healthier hearts

  • Stronger bones

  • Physical fitness 

However, seniors may struggle to maintain a healthy diet based on their mobility or medical conditions. Right at Home Haverhill caregivers take this opportunity to support seniors in their healthy journeys, regardless of individual goals. How can you incorporate healthy eating into your daily routine? 

Top 14 Healthy Foods for Seniors 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s My Plate advises adding foods from several food groups to your meal. Protein for muscle mass and critical vitamins and minerals can help support seniors’ health. However, it’s best to talk to your doctor about your diet before you start making any drastic changes. When you’re ready, integrate the following healthy foods to support a better diet. 

  • Spinach 

  • Coffee

  • Bananas

  • Turmeric

  • Olive oil 

  • Poultry 

  • Seafood

  • Whole grains

  • Beans

  • Dark chocolate

  • Nuts

  • Garlic

  • Seeds

  • Low-fat dairy products 

You might hear some of these foods referred to as macronutrients or micronutrients. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals our bodies rely on to function properly. Antioxidants can also help ward off free radicals and diseases. 

How Seniors Can Plan For Healthy Meals

Attending the Haverhill Farmers Market connects you with local vendors working to support their community with tasty foods and homegrown goods. Seniors can also source their food from places like Crescent Farms, Wally’s Vegetables, and the Srybny Farmstand and Greenhouses. Long Hill Orchard & Farm and Old Stone Farm also stay true to the ideal of benefiting from the land and sharing the fruits of their labors with community members. 

In addition, seniors can take steps to ensure they’re creating a supportive environment for healthy eating. Substituting herbs and citrus for salt can help seniors reduce their sodium intake. Seniors should also avoid fast food and alcohol to support their health. 

Strategies for maintaining a healthier diet also include getting smart about what kind of meals you’re making. If you can cook something and have leftovers for one or two meals afterward, you can easily pop them in the microwave for a quick dinner. Replenishing your energy with healthy snacks throughout the day can also balance your mood and hunger. 

Let Right at Home Haverhill Caregivers Support Your Health 

Although local farmer's markets and vendors can help feed the community, establishing a healthy diet often starts with the individual. Right at Home Haverhill caregivers understand the challenges seniors face in creating and maintaining healthy eating habits and work to support those habits whenever possible. If you’d like to learn more about our services and how we help seniors, contact us for a free consultation.
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