The Savvy Caregiver Program

Have you heard of this program? I just did and it started this week at the Georgetown Council on Aging. The Savvy Caregiver is a 12-hour training program delivered in 2-hour sessions over a 6-week period. This was developed by Emory University and it is successful because participants report increased caregiver skill, knowledge and confidence. Results also indicate better caregiver well being. It began on September 11th, but I am sure you could still get in!

Elder Services of Merrimack Valley, along with the Council on Aging, will host this helpful program on Wednesday September 11 – October 16, 1 – 3 p.m. at the Georgetown Senior Community Center. Whether you give care as a family member or a friend, the free Savvy Caregiver Program can provide you with the tools to better care for your health and more effectively manage the unique challenges of dementia care. Sessions will cover the impact of dementia on both the care recipient and the caregiver; identifying personal barriers to self-care; setting reasonable goals; managing stress; effective communications; sources of support and strengthening family resources. For more information and to make reservations, please call the Georgetown COA at 978-352-5726 or learn more at or

Rosaleen Doherty

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