Reflections on Independence

Reflection on Independence

Stay Independent

Every year in July, we celebrate our independence and freedom. As Americans, we are afforded the right to be independent and remain independent, even as we get older. Sometimes, that independence may need to come with support systems that will enable us to continue to enjoy our freedom. Those systems may include family support, physical support or other programs such as different affordable living arrangements. By utilizing some of these support systems, many of our elderly citizens can still feel like they have their freedom and independence.

Being independent all of our lives, it becomes a threat to us to have our independence taken away. We hear of older people getting into accidents by stepping on the gas pedal instead of the brakes. Just a few weeks ago, an elderly gentleman ended up going through two fences, a courtyard, then into a room at a post acute rehabilitation in Glendale, AZ. Luckily, the patient previously in that room was discharged the day before and the room was empty.

Much of the time, the family or neighbors know when their loved ones are in need of help. Unfortunately, there are many times that the person needing help will refuse or even become violent towards anyone seeking help for them. At these times, having an outside person come in can have a huge impact on helping families reach their goals of providing needed support. Home care agencies deal with this type of situation all the time, starting with a conversation on "Aging-in-Place". Home care agencies can provide needed assistance in the home so their loved one can stay in their familiar surroundings and keep their independence as long as it is safe to do so. Depending on the amount of care that is needed, the costs between different living situations can be surprising. On average in the Phoenix area, home care runs approximately $125.00 for 5 hours per day; assisted living starts at $125.00 for a base rate per day with an average of additional $800.00 per month to help with the ADL’s and medication management. Skilled nursing homes start around $215 per day with add-ons when more care is need.

I'm not saying that home care is for everyone, but it is nice to have the option of having some care at home so our loved ones feels more independent for a longer period of time. Home care also gives family and friends the peace of mind of knowing someone is checking in with mom or dad on a daily basis and bringing all concerns to the family.

Right at Home can help with some of the basics, such as Fall Prevention and Aging-in-Place guidelines to assist the families in keeping a loved one safe while maintaining their independence.

Preventing falls is preventing hospital readmission and helps seniors stay in their homes longer. Let's keep your loved on their feet! Find out more about fall prevention with this free brochure!


Fall Prevention Guide

Our Fall Prevention Guide was created in tandem with Dr. Rein to help prevent falls for seniors inside their homes. Download your guide today!

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Mark Leuer
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