Right at Home Reno's 2020 Caregiver of the Year

Providing the Best Care

Robin ADRobin has been with Right at Home since 2015. Robin is such an amazing caregiver that it is very difficult to know where to begin. She is always smiling and positive in her approach to life and her positivity is infectious. Robin is one of the most empathetic people that we have ever met, and she brings that empathy and kindness to the people that she serves each and every day. Robin uses this sympathetic and kind-hearted nature to engage with clients and shows them through her actions that she really does care about their well-being from both a physical and an emotional standpoint.  Robin is beyond dependable, rarely calling off or showing up late to shifts. Robin consistently goes above and beyond the call to make sure that her clients are happy and well cared for, exemplified by her work with one of their clients, Vickie, who has worked with Robin for four years and had this to say about her:

"Robin Adamson has made accepting this service so easy for me. She is so kind that I never feel bad asking for help, but we know each other so well at this point that I often don't even have to ask, as Robin has anticipated my needs. This is especially important to me as I have never been a person who liked to ask for help. As my disease (MS) has progressed over the years I could no longer work in my yard, which is something that was such an important part of my life for so long, and Robin has become my hands and feet and passionately cares for my yard as if it were her own.  Robin always brings cut flowers from my garden into the home so that I can experience the joy that gardening once gave me even though I can no longer get out into the yard.  Spring is once again my favorite time of the year. I can't imagine not having Robin here. My family loves Robin, and I love Robin."

Or this testimonial from Becky, daughter of client Jennifer:

“Robin Adamson is gifted with a gentle smile, soothing voice, and calm demeanor. Due to her dementia, my mother can become quite obstinate and dig her heels in when she feels someone is "making me do something I don't want to do, or when they want me to do things on their time schedule, not mine". Robin understood this on their first visit and has developed a beautiful ability to help my mother get up and dressed in the morning, when many others have tried and failed. Only once over these many months did my mother adamantly insist that she was not going to get up, which Robin respected and then promptly reported to me. Upon questioning, my mother said how much she appreciated Robin "just letting me have a day off from it all." During the summer, Robin repeatedly encountered ants on my mother's kitchen table when they arrived in the morning. Robin was able to report this graciously to the assisted living facility staff (I personally was not feeling very gracious!!)  and the issue was eventually resolved. My mother was never alarmed by this, as Robin calmly cleaned it all up before helping Mom out of bed and to the table. The facility staff have reported to me that they have observed Robin 's interactions with my mother, and it has helped tremendously in starting Mom's day off well.”

If someone you love is in need of care, contact us today.

If you are looking for a rewarding career and are wanting to make a difference like Robin, join our team today!

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Ronda B.
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