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FREE Santa Photos | Right at Home Sacramento-Davis

Free Santa Photos for Grandma & Grandpa

Free Santa Photos

What:     FREE SANTA photos for Grandma and Grandpa (with donation of a canned good)

Date:    Wednesday, December 19th 

Time:  3:00 p.m. -  6:00 p.m. PST 

Where: Right at Home Sacramento-Davis
3840 Rosin Ct. Ste 170
Sacramento, CA  95834

How:       RSVP by emailing information@rah-wsac.com or call our office at 916-779-0601 or RSVP to our Facebook Event

What's the BEST type of gift to give Grandma and Grandpa for the holidays besides some wonderful quality time with family? How about a picture of their grandkids with SANTA? It's FREE with your donation of a canned food item. We will be donating these items to a local food bank.

The malls are probably jam packed with long lines of families waiting for their one chance to meet SANTA this holiday season. 

Join us on this magical day! Let your kids meet SANTA, take a photo for Grandma and Grandpa, and have a chance to tell him what they are truly wishing would show up under their tree this Christmas.

Swing on by our office, get your HOLIDAY PHOTO on the spot, and stick around to enjoy some yummy holiday treats. 

Bring in Grandma and Grandpa as well. They might just want their own photo with SANTA and a chance to tell him what is it they are wishing for.

Limit 1 Photo Per person. Space is limited, so arrive first to get your photo. Photos will end promptly at 6:00 p.m. We will be unable to accommodate anyone waiting in line after that time.

Right at Home - Sacramento/Davis offers caregiving services for almost any family and practically any situation. Our in-home care allows loved ones to enjoy healthy lives in the comfort of a familiar environment. We are locally and family owned. 

We have qualified caregivers in several communities including: Davis, Woodland, West Sacramento, South Sacramento, Sacramento, Natomas, Greenhaven, East Sacramento, Tahoe Park, Land Park, Curtis Park, El Masero, McKinley Park and surrounding areas. 

Happy Holidays! See you on December 19th!

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