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Caring for the Aging Workshop: Is Caregiving a Career for You?

Caring for the Aging Workshop: Is a Caregiving Career for You?

Caring for the Aging Workshop - Is a Caregiving Career for You

What: Caring for the Aging Workshop: Is a Caregiving Career for You?

When:  Saturday, February 24 from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Where: Right at Home Sacramento-Davis
1401 El Camino Ave Ste 102
Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 779-0601

RSVP: You can RSVP by sending us an email at information@rah-wsac.com. 


Join Right at Home - Sacramento/Davis for the 2nd of our FREE Special “Caring for the Aging” Educational Workshop Series. On the last Saturday of each month we will host a workshop focused on the key issues affecting those responsible for the care of a senior loved-one and those who are in the thick of providing the actual hands on care. Whether you are the family member of a senior needing or receiving care, or a caregiver providing the care, these workshops were developed for you.

Our team of care professionals along with a senior care expert have comprised this series to specifically target those important issues we know are a factor in making decisions about getting care and providing care in a safe and effective manner.

If you are thinking of looking at a caregiving career as an option for you, definitely join us. You will learn about the world of care from the perspective of the client and the caregiver and will know what to expect if you decide that this work is for you.Workshop #2: Is a Caregiving Career for You?

Workshop #2: Is Caregiving for me? Where do I start? Is this a career?

Our second workshop is for anyone who thinks they are interested in becoming a caregiver. Caregiving is currently one of the fastest growing careers in the U.S. Projections over the next ten years show a shortage of over 500,000 caregivers nationwide. During this workshop we will be discussing the field of caregiving and requirements to become a caregiver.

Who should attend? Those considering caregiving as a career.

Our speaker is Dan Parker, President of Right at Home Sacramento-Davis. Dan opened his Right at Home business in 2008 and is currently enjoying his 10-year anniversary in business. A 2018 award winner for, “Provider ofChoice”, “Employer of Choice”, and “Leader in Excellence Awards”, Dan’s business is on the forefront of caregiving and Home Care for Seniors and Disabled Adults. Dan also serves as Chairman of the Right at Home Franchise Advisory Council representing the Western Region of the United States. Right at Home is one of the largest home care franchise systems in the world with offices in 8 countries and over 550 territories under management.

He will discuss caregiving as a career and the options currently available for getting the required training and experience to become a successful caregiver. Having employed over one thousand caregivers in the last 10-years, Dan is uniquely qualified to answer any question you may have about the field of caregiving. So, join our free workshop in person, or on-line, as we also present our workshop through “Facebook Live” in addition to the in-person workshop at: our Facebook page

Right at Home - Sacramento/Davis offers caregiving services for almost any family and practically any situation. Our in-home care lets loved-ones enjoy healthy lives in the comfort of a familiar environment. We tailor our care to your unique situation through a Custom Care Plan.

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