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Caring for the Aging Workshop: Funding Options for Senior Home Care

Caring for the Aging Workshop

Funding Options for Care: Finding the Money You Need to Care for Your Senior Loved-One.

Caring for the Aging Workshop Funding Options for Care

What:   Caring for the Aging Workshop: Funding Options for Care - Finding the money you need to care for your senior loved-one.

When:  Saturday, January 27 from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Where: Right at Home Sacramento-Davis
1401 El Camino Ave Ste 102
Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 779-0601

RSVP: You can RSVP on Facebook or by by sending us an email at information@rah-wsac.com.

Our first workshop in our Caring for Aging series is for anyone who either has a loved-one who is 'beginning' to show signs, or has been 'showing signs' that they may need some sort of outside help to maintain independence in their own home with their activities of daily living. Many people believe wrongly, that Medicare will pay for their care no matter where they are, this is simply not true. We will go over strategies on how to be creative and 'find' the money that you may not realize is available. Let’s talk about where to look, what to look for, and how to access these finances.

Who should attend? Those responsible for the care for an aging loved-one.

Our special guest speaker is Jaynie Dame from http://www.askjaynie.com. Jaynie has a 20 plus year background as a Geriatric Care Manager and has helped countless seniors and their families. As an advocate for the rights of all seniors, she has fought for Medicare rights and prevented premature discharges from hospitals, getting her clients the care they need by empowering families to get the medical care the deserve.

She provides monthly support and education to all primary care providers through her “Wine About Your Aging Parents, Brew Up a Better Care Plan” group meetings in the Greater Sacramento area. As an Administrator through the state, she knows guidelines for placements and care options. And after working with hospice, she has the understanding and knowledge to talk with families about their options for final care. Jaynie is someone you want on your team and we look forward to having her present on this important topic that is on the top of most of our minds when it comes to care.

Right at Home - Sacramento/Davis offers caregiving services for almost any family and practically any situation. Our in-home care lets loved-ones enjoy healthy lives in the comfort of a familiar environment. We tailor our care to your unique situation through a Custom Care Plan. To learn more about the services we provide, visit our services page.

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