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Female caregiver on the phone, smiling. Female caregiver on the phone, smiling.

Is a Caregiving Career For You

Caring for the Aging Workshop - Is Caregiving a Career for You?

Is a caregiving career for you? Right at Home Sacramento-Davis owner Dan Parker thinks it definitely can be for many. After working in the senior care industry as the owner of an award winning home care franchise over the last 10 years, Dan understands the decision to take on this challenging yet rewarding career all too well. 

Dan describes caregiving as a calling. He thoroughly describes all of the attributes one normally has that decides to embark on this type of a career. Are you empathetic? Are you innovative? These are just a few of the characteristics Dan speaks about in this workshop. Dan not only talks about the heartfelt and physical aspects of the work. He truly goes deep into the details that many are thinking about when it comes to choosing a career? What is the pay like? If I get trained as a caregiver how hard or easy will it be to find work? The good news it s that the projected wages and ability to find work as a caregiver are vastly on the on the rise.

With 10,000 baby boomers coming of age daily where they might start needing home care services, caregiving is not a career that will end anytime soon. The probability of it being taken over by some electronic gadget are next to zero. This is the sort of career that requires love, compassion, and the human touch and nothing but a real caring human being can fill that need.

Is Caregiving a Career for You?

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