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Female caregiver on the phone, smiling. Female caregiver on the phone, smiling.

Know Your Medicare

Caring for the Aging Workshop March Know Your Medicare

I didn’t know that! That’s what you will probably being saying to yourself all through your viewing of this workshop video. Longtime senior advocate and Geriatric Care Manager, Jaynie Guarnieri Dame, sat down with Lyle Cunningham of Cunningham Insurance to talk the real deal about Medicare. Part A? Part B? It’s so confusing! But, never fear, Lyle took the time to break it all down to an understandable level.

Who qualifies for Medicare? When is one eligible for Medicare benefits? What does Medicare cover? And of course, the ever burning question, when does one sign up for Medicare? You’ll be surprised at all the information Lyle shared and just how much you didn’t know.

Most people think Medicare covers everything once they are of age to qualify for it. Not true. Lyle explains what is covered and the truth about deductibles and even potential penalties. If a person Isn’t knowledgeable and prepared they could get smacked with a huge bill after a hospital stay.

The key words to come away from this workshop are “unexpected costs”. Why? Not understanding your plan and the various supplements that are available can be detrimental to your pocket book. With costs rising and many seniors not having sufficient income to afford medical care, even the slightest deductible or penalty can cause problems that could possibly be avoided. Take a little time today to really learn from Lyle. Take notes and take action to make sure you and your senior loved one are prepared for what could be down the road.

Know Your Medicare

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