Keeping Up the Holiday Cheer

Keeping Up the Holiday Cheer with At Home Elder Care in Staten Island, NY

Solutions for seniors feeling the difficulties of the holiday season

The end of the year is a time of celebration. As falling leaves transition into falling snow, families will gather around large meals to spread the love and joy the season has to offer. Yet, as joyous of an occasion it may be, there can be equal amounts of stress and discomfort, especially for seniors. Our at home elder care team in Staten Island, NY is here to dive into the difficulties seniors may face during the holiday season, and how to combat them with positivity and preparation.

Things That Make Seniors Go “Bah Humbug!”

Your elderly loved ones should not have to worry about what is to come, but rather enjoy the holidays. Be sure to take the time well before events start to sit with them and discuss their concerns, such as:

  • Mobility. Often seniors cannot move like they used to or have limited to no mobility. This can make traveling to loved one’s homes, doing seasonal shopping, and gift wrapping difficult.
  • Finances. Decorations, gifts, food, travel. These all come at a cost, and seniors that are on fixed budgets may feel this extra strain on their wallets.
  • Memories. A lot has changed in the life of your elderly loved one. The holiday season can spark memories of old traditions, departed family members, or just a general desire to “go back to the way things used to be”.

Staying Positive

It is important that your elderly loved one seek out the help they need during the holidays as their happiness and health can be put at risk. Whether through family or an at home elder care provider, you can take certain steps to help preserve the positivity of the holiday.

  • Update Traditions. Does your loved one primarily host, cook, travel? Try to shift these responsibilities so the bulk of the burden is not placed on the senior. Encourage them to be open to changes such as passing hosting duties to younger relatives or cooking 1-2 favorite dishes instead of the whole meal.
  • Financially Savvy Celebrations. Limit the cost of celebrations by encouraging all guests to bring something of their own- be it a dish for the table or even a decoration to add festivity to the home. Set a maximum spending amount on gifts, limit them only to younger family members, or participate in traditions such as a white elephant exchange.
  • Reminisce, Don’t Miss. While memories can be painful, they can also be equally joyful. Reflect on the past in a way that doesn’t dwell on how things have changed, but at all the good that has occurred.

Give Us A Call

Right at Home serving Staten Island, NY wants all seniors to look forward to the holidays, and our at home elder care can help them remain happy and healthy. Be sure to give your loved one a voice in their need this holiday season. You can reach us online or by calling (347) 554-8400.

Right at Home Staten Island, NY
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