Stress Management for Seniors

Stress Management for Seniors in Staten Island, NY

Reduce your loved one’s stress with right at home’s at home elder care

Stress affects all of us in ways we can’t even imagine. It can disrupt sleep patterns, raise our blood pressure, and encourage bad habits. That’s why it’s so important that we all make efforts to alleviate that stress on a daily basis. At Right At Home, we appreciate the impact stress can have on the lives of those we love, and our caregivers are experts in assisting the elderly with their stress management needs.

The Effects of Stress As We Age

It’s be nice to think that our retirement years should be relatively stress free, but aging only adds new things for us to be worried about. Older people may be worried about their finances, their health issues, and a general feeling of loss. At Right At Home of Staten Island, NY, our at home elder care is designed to cater to our clients’ physical and mental needs, so that your loved one will be better able to manage their stress.

Simple Steps to Help Deal With Stress

In order to combat stress, nothing is as important as keeping a positive outlook on life. Whether you’re an elderly person yourself — or are caring for one — here are a few things you can do to alleviate stress.

  • Identify Your Source of Stress — Whenever you’re feeling particularly stressed, try to locate where it’s coming from. Identifying the source will help you deal with it straight on, and make it easier to talk with others about it. Have your loved one write down the things that are troubling them. This will help them specify where a problem lies, making it easier to deal with.
  • Keep Busy — Your physical health is directly related to your mental wellbeing. Take 30 minutes a day, and dedicate it to exercise. Low impact workouts like walking or swimming can do wonders for your mental health.
  • Stay Connected — Seniors can sometimes feel isolated from the outside world, so it’s important that they keep in touch with the people they care about. Make sure your loved one is in regular contact with the friends and relatives, and take the time to drive them for person-to-person visits.
  • Break Up the Routine — Anyone can fall into a rut, and that can lead to depression. If this is a problem with the senior in your family, encourage to mix up their routine by going out for a walk, or visiting with friends. You can help by providing them with transportation to a museum or a play.
  • Have Fun — It sounds so simple, but anyone can forget to have fun if they don’t work on it. Laughter is really important for alleviating depression, so make sure to set aside time for light, fun conversation with the senior in your life. Watch a silly movie or TV show, or just joke about daily events. Simple, goofy chatter has both mental and physical benefits.

At Home Elder Care Specialists in Staten Island, NY

At Right At Home, we appreciate the importance that mental health plays in the overall well being of the loved one in your life. Our skilled caregivers are trained to help their patients navigate the challenges of daily living, but are conscientious of their spiritual needs as well. They always take the time to regularly engage with them in conversation, and will provide whatever assistance they require to get out of the house, meet with friends and family, or pursue their interests.

To learn more about Right At Home’s at home elder care services, reach out to us online, or give us a call today at (347) 380-5101.

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Right at Home Staten Island, NY
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