Caregiver Helps Bass Pro Shop Honor Right at Home Client

Right at Home Caregiver Helps Bass Pro Shop Honor Client

Bass Pro Shop Honors Lillian Scott

Right at Home Temecula Caregiver, Pauline, works with Ms. Lillian. Ms. Lillian, 90, is a native of Kristiansand, Norway and was an avid fisherman when she was younger. Ms. Lillian started fishing before she could walk and even holds two World Records that have never been broken!

After learning about Ms. Lillian’s love of fishing, Pauline decided to take her on a visit to the local Bass Pro Shop thinking it would be a fun outing. While in the store, Ms. Lillian pointed out a picture of her late husband on a wall that highlighted him as a local world record holder.

Pauline kept this information top of mind and later called Bass Pro Shop to explain that Ms. Lillian, the wife of the awarded fisherman, also holds two World Records for fishing. Upon hearing this, Bass Pro Shop organized a half-day celebration on May 2, 2018 for Lillian and commemorated her successes by placing Ms. Lillian’s picture on the wall with the husband’s.

None of this would have been possible without Pauline’s proactive commitment to recognizing Ms.Lillian’s unique person hood and her commitment to creating extraordinary experiences that improve
the quality of life for the clients she serves.

Lillian Scott world record holder

The Norwegian American published a story on Ms. Lillian’s accomplishments.

Right at Home Temecula
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