We treat your loved one like family, offering respite for you and enhancing the caregiving experience. Learn more
A caregiver with a mask does medication management for his client. A caregiver with a mask does medication management for his client.

Caregiver Spotlight

Caregivers Are the Heart and Soul of Right at Home Temecula

At Right at Home Temecula, the foundation of our operation is built on a friendly and welcoming culture that promotes responsiveness and support above all else for our employees. We value our caregivers as though they are family. We strive to improve the quality of life for our caregivers and the clients we serve. We succeed through teamwork and having the best caregivers in the industry. Their professionalism, training, compassion and commitment to our clients and our clients' loved ones is unparalleled and we appreciate all they do. Every year, every month, every day we appreciate our outstanding Caregivers who are going above and beyond to create an amazing experience for our clients in Temecula and its surrounding areas. We truly value our outstanding people. Who knows, maybe a career as a caregiver is right for you!

A line-art icon of a hand holding a heart

Benefits of a Right at Home Career

  • Flexible hours and competitive pay
  • A caring, supportive team
  • An independent work environment
  • Learning new senior care skills
  • Building one-on-one relationships with clients and families
  • Growth and training opportunities

Carmen Sanchez

2017 Caregiver of the Year

Carmen has been with Right at Home since 2011. Carmen is detail oriented, multi task driven and takes her job seriously. Any client that has had the opportunity to have Carmen as their caregiver always wants her back! Carmen is continually looking for ways to help her clients and improve their quality of life. She is good about updating staff with client changes in condition as well as passing on changes in condition to oncoming caregivers with her clients. Carmen always has a positive attitude and is grateful for the opportunity to care for others. There aren’t enough words to describe the beautiful person that Carmen is…we are just so thankful to have her as part of our team!

Carmen does an amazing job when providing care to clients on hospice. She keeps families well informed and makes sure they’re involved in everything and up to date with care. The clients are at peace during this difficult stage of care when Carmen is on the case. It takes a special person to work into a place of closeness with the client, and with the family as well. Carmen exhibits the skills during these times to encourage family members that things are well taken care of. When we had fires in the area Carmen was with her client 9 hours that day. After her shift, she was asked if she would mind doing a welfare check on another client on her way home because we couldn’t reach him. She agreed without hesitation. Carmen got there and discovered the power was out. She reported that the house was dark and Alec, our client, was sitting in the house with a flashlight and two candles. Carmen moved the candles to a safer place, offered to take him to a hotel or to family and also offered if he wanted something to eat. Although he declined, she stayed with him and chatted and once again showed her compassion and loving heart.

Carmen has worked for us for 6 years and is so proud of the company she works for. She has participated in the Alzheimer's walk here in Temecula and represented Right at Home by walking with us.

She shows love not only to her clients and their families but to the office staff as well. She makes tamales every year during the Holidays and gives them to each member of the office team as well as making custom jewelry for each of us using our favorite colors. She works well with her peers on assignments where multiple caregivers are working. She is careful to leave good notes for the next caregiver coming on and ensure that they are comfortable with what they need to do.

Carmen had her MA certification when she started with us and had experience working in a doctor’s office. She also had experience taking care of her son who is a paraplegic. Her son was in a car accident as a teenager and through that experience, Carmen developed a passion for taking care of people. Carmen has a thirst for knowledge and has now earned her CNA certification. She has been known to read medical books on her down time with clients and looks for ways to continue to educate herself.

Carmen Sanchez Carmen Sanchez


2018 Caregiver of the Year

Pauline has been with Right at Home for 2.5 years. She had previously worked at VNA in the office where she helped Right at Home set up for inservices every quarter. When the local office closed and the company moved its focus to Riverside, she looked for other work. Pauline's mom had always been a helper and had "adopted" neighbors who needed someone. Pauline would be included at times and it definitely rubbed off. Because of that experience with her mom she decided to try caregiving. She took to it and enjoyed it right away. The extras make her job more personal. When she started with Lillian she made a wind chime out of sea shells for her and that started the relationship in its current direction. They get together to celebrate occasions large and small. Recently they had a celebration of their 2nd anniversary together. Having celebrated their first anniversary, Lillian remembered and mentioned that the 2nd was coming up! So a tea was put together and guess who was included? Mom, Christina, joined the two - for inspiration.
Pauline awarded Caregiver of the Year holding balloons and gift bag next two to owner Lorette Oliver and Mary Peterson in front of a door to a home. Pauline awarded Caregiver of the Year holding balloons and gift bag next two to owner Lorette Oliver and Mary Peterson in front of a door to a home.

Tiana L.

March Rookie of the Month

Tiana Faletui Leituala has been a wonderful addition to our team! She is a great caregiver who the clients just love. We appreciate her years of experience and caregiving and personal care skills. Tiana is always responsible, clocking in on time and smiling. She has been a real team player picking up shifts and helping out as much as she is able. Enjoy your moment in the spotlight.
caregiver in scrubs wearing a nametag caregiver in scrubs wearing a nametag

Brittany Roberts

2019 Caregiver of the Year

Brittani is always very up beat and positive. She is always willing to do above and beyond what is asked of her. Her clients always have wonderful things to say about her; they love her. If I need something from her, she is quick to respond, even though she is incredibly busy.

She always puts her clients needs and well being ahead of whatever she has going on. She is always willing to help and cover a shift when she can. She pays great attention to her clients and their needs.

One client of hers that passed away had a dog. She knew the client and dog so well that she actually typed up info on the dog's likes/dislikes, food and eating habits for the new owner.

I remember meeting Brittani at the Meridian at Lake San Marcos. Britanni assisted me with a client who was on Hospice. Britanni waited in the underground parking lot with me patiently for the son to arrive with his mom from the hospital. The client was very weak and not coherent but Brittani handled it very well and professionally. She did a full transfer from the car to the wheelchair and from the wheelchair to the bed. Brittani made the family feel at ease. Unfortunately, the client did pass away a week later. I always see her with a smile when she comes in the office and she engages with the office Team.
Brittani - 2019 Right at Home Temecula Caregiver of the Year Brittani - 2019 Right at Home Temecula Caregiver of the Year

Kristen Knight

2020 Caregiver of the Year

We proudly announce Kristen Knight as the 2020 Caregiver of the Year! Kristen is a gift to the families she caregivers for and us as well. This past year she has stood by the side of her clients as they went through some difficult times and never waived in her commitment. Kristen is a wonderful conversationalist and spends quality time engaging with her clients and relating to their life experiences. Natalie Thomas, Staffing Coordinator, says that Kristen “Always goes above and beyond to give her 100%. And that includes not only working 5-6 days a week but also finding extra little things to help her clients with like organizing their homes.” We are very lucky to have her on our team and enjoy this time to honor her.
Magazine style graphic announcing Kristen Knight for 2020 Caregiver of the Year Magazine style graphic announcing Kristen Knight for 2020 Caregiver of the Year
A female care worker smiling in the background. In the foreground is an elderly female patient smiling back.
A female care worker smiling in the background. In the foreground is an elderly female patient smiling back.

Hear What Others Are Saying

5 star icon
"I like how they handle their clients and their business. They treat the clients and they put their hands on problems that may occur."
Donnalee Griffin, PCA

Hear What Others Are Saying

5 star icon
"Their caring qualities, as far as the clientele and the employees, is exceptional."
Bobbie Principe, CHM

Hear What Others Are Saying

5 star icon
"They are just really good and honest people who care about their clients. They offer classes and they have motivational speakers in different areas of health. They always invite their employees and I think for an incentive for the employees they tell us what speaker they are having and what they will be talking about. They then pay us for going to those classes. They always want us to improve."
Nanci Dietch, PCA

Our Promises to Our Caregivers

We promise to help you become the best you can be. We will equip you as a professional by providing best-in-class training and investing in your professional development.

We promise to coach you to success. We’re always available to support you and offer you tips to be the best at delivering care to clients.

A female caregiver smiles up at her client as she prepares her wheelchair. A female caregiver smiles up at her client as she prepares her wheelchair.