Staying active this winter Staying active this winter

Infographic: Staying Active This Winter

We spent the summer and fall figuring out ways to stay active even as we’ve been protecting ourselves against COVID-19. As winter approaches, getting enough exercise might be even more challenging in many areas of the country. Some of the usual indoor activities, such as gyms, pools and senior centers, will still be off limits due to social distancing. Check out this infographic for ideas for physical activity at this time.

Infographic: Staying Active This Winter

If your family uses in-home care, the caregiver can be a great asset for keeping your loved one both active and safe. The caregiver can provide supervision and encouragement as your loved one exercises at home or in the neighborhood, and provide transportation to safe exercise opportunities elsewhere as they are available.

Staying Active This Winter

Colder weather is no excuse to slack off on our exercise routine. Here are some tips for staying active and safe.

Walking in a winter wonderland.

Walking is great exercise and can be safe this season if we….

Dress for the weather. Stay warm with a hat, scarf, jacket and gloves, Wear layers to add and shed for maximum comfort.

Only walk on clear, dry sidewalks. Choose your route and be alert. Patches of ice or hazards hidden in the show are dangerous and can cause a fall.

Choose the right shoes. Wear well-fitted waterproof shoes or boots with good traction and ankle support. Select socks that keep your feet dry and warm.

Use walking poles, snowshoes and skis correctly. These can make for a fun winter hike, but be sure you know how to use them safely.

Protect Against COVID-19

If you’re holiday shopping indoors or even window shopping, wear a mask and practice social distancing.

Exercising at Home

If staying indoors is best for you, there’s still plenty to do!

Work out with weights. Ask your healthcare provider to prescribe a routine that’s safe for you. You can even do a few reps while you watch TV.

Set up a home gym. Invest in an exercise bike, treadmill or elliptical trainers. It’s convenient and socially distant. And you always get to choose the radio station!

Try virtual training. Take an online exercise class, work out to an exercise video, or even have one-on-one tele-sessions with a personal trainer.

Throw yourself a dance party. Dancing is great exercise and can be much more motivating and energizing than a conventional workout.

The information in this infographic is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Ask your doctor for an exercise plan that’s right for you.

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Right at Home offers in-home care to seniors and adults with disabilities who want to live independently. Most Right at Home offices are independently owned and operated, and directly employ and supervise all caregiving staff.
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