Maintaining Mental Health During Pandemic
Maintaining Mental Health During Pandemic
If you're going through any anxiety during this time of social distancing and uncertainty, perhaps your anxiety could help you make some decisions right now. Of course, the infectious outbreak has been traumatizing to our mental health and that of our loved ones. Let's not forget about some of the things we can do to support and manage these situations during such tumultuous times.
So, instead of questioning yourself, "how do we maintain mental health during the pandemic?", you might as well try techniques to get rid of any gloomy feelings. We have come up with some of the best ways to cope with such trauma during the historical times of COVID-19.
Relieving yourself from stress and anxiety has become critically important for now. Here are 7 tips that we can make use of to navigate through such uncertain times:
Find a Distraction:
It may sound like everyone else, but here's the catch:
- Use this time to do something you have always been thinking of.
- Read that book you have always wanted to.
- Try out that recipe that you had seen years ago in your favourite cooking show.
- Nurture a new herb in your garden.
- Listen to new music.
- Go ahead and talk politics.
- Of course, technology comes to your rescue, but there are so many other things to do than just looking at the screen.
Take Part in Health Activities:
While going to the gym is no longer an option, many other activities ensure you're keeping healthy. First and foremost, make sure that you are getting 7 - 9 hours of sleep every night. Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. Don't step into the trap of junk food blues. In tune, try not to smoke at all. Smoking can cause more anxiety than minimizing it.
Again, this may sound very typical, but exercise your body along with your mind. Walking, biking, meditating, and gardening are all kinds of exercise you need right now. Merely committing a little chunk of your day to exercise can do wonders for your mental health and your overall health in the long-run.
Medications All The Way:
While Alzheimer's disease or dementia is not easy to deal with during this time, there are ways to cope up with pandemic life. Make sure that you have at least a month of supply of the prescription and other medications. Keep the medicines handy. In effect, you might need to manage the mental health situation and other conditions religiously, as directed by your or your loved one’s healthcare provider. Medication compliance is one of the biggest contributors to health in seniors.
In some cases, you may improve the quality of your life and that of your loved one who is chronically ill by hiring home care. Sometimes, having someone by your side fulfills the day-to-day demands of caregiving.
Be Kind To Yourself and Others:
Try to relish all the simple things in life. Be as positive as you can. Think of all the great things you already have in life right now and how things could have been so much worse. While it may not be possible for you to participate in voluntary activities to help your community during the pandemic, it certainly is a time to be thankful.
Once this pandemic is over, we all are coming off as stronger, kinder human beings, who would feel more connected with each other.
Find New Ways to Connect With Your Family and Friends:
Staying in isolation is not an answer to anything. This is precisely when social media and FaceTime comes into the picture. While it may have been a "teenager stuff" all this time, it's time for you to get access to these materials now. This generation of young people has come up with such fun and exciting creative activities that it undoubtedly puts up a smile on anyone's face.
Following the 5x5 breaks, browse the internet purposefully. Message anyone, you feel like and talk to them for a while. This way, it will lighten up your day so much more than you can imagine. Remember the rule: close your eyes and recharge your brain for 5 minutes every 5 times a day, and you'll be totally fine.
Stick to a Routine:
No matter what happens, sticking to a routine for as much as possible is the best thing that you can do by yourself. Create a brand new routine, and you'll notice that this will magically give you the kind of inspiration you need to get over the pandemic blues.
It could be as simple as waking up, working from home, gardening, exercising indoors, cleaning, caring for your grandchildren, and so much more. Don't forget to integrate some fun and enjoyable activities or hobbies into your routine.
Try to Innovate at least 7 Times a Day:
As interesting as it may sound, this is also going to be your favorite mental challenge. Instead of getting bogged down by your thoughts, try to be more innovative throughout the day. Play a crossword puzzle in the newspapers. It will bring back some nostalgia of the times from the past. Another brain teaser is jigsaws. Test out your reasoning and innovation skills, and you'll be more surprised than ever.
In Summary
Bear it in mind that poor mental health drains your brain health. Therefore, instead of being victim to pandemic stressors, get some new favorite activities. Look at the silver linings. Research shows that reframing the negatives in a positive light boosts feelings of happiness. With that being said, it's the perfect time to make things happen, which you may have missed throughout your time in life.