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2018 Parkinson's Moving Day® Rhode Island

Join Us in Providence for Moving Day 2018

Moving Day 2018

Where We Walk

Roger Williams Park & Carousel
1000 Elmwood Ave
Providence, RI 02905

When We Walk

Date: Sunday, June 10, 2018
Registration opens: 9:30 a.m.
Walk start time: 10:30 a.m.

Register  Full Event Details

Moving Day is a movement—a movement for change towards more awareness, more funding, and more understanding of a disease that affects so many of our family and friends. The Parkinson’s Foundation believes that every person with Parkinson’s should get the best treatment and care. Everything the Foundation does helps people live their best lives today until there is a tomorrow without Parkinson’s. The great impact of Moving Day is thanks to supporters like you.

Why We Walk

Funds raised through Moving Day Rhode Island support the Parkinson’s Foundation national mission by:

  • Delivering quality care to more than 100,000 people living with Parkinson’s
  • Funding cutting-edge research aimed at better treatment and care
  • Providing free resources for people living with Parkinson’s and their families

Moving Day

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