Helping to Shape the Current and Future Work Force
I have been involved with the Health Care Sector Board (HCSB) for over three years and it has been a wonderful experience. This board is affiliated with Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, IA and representatives from the college and local business leaders work together to shape the current and future workforce in Eastern Iowa. I am currently the 2020-2021 chairperson for the HCSB and I am really proud of the project that we helped develop and launch over the course of this year. We worked with a local website developer to create a portal for students and adults, looking for a career change, to explore needed careers in our area. I also chose to be a premier sponsor of this portal project so Right at Home has its own employer page allowing for another way for job seekers to find us. As a board, we collected data from across our region as well as trends we are seeing as employers to compile a list of entry-level to professional jobs most sought after in the Corridor. People can complete a personality assessment and see how those results can be applied to the main qualities needed for certain careers and the training/education required for them. Finally, the portal helps to direct job explorers to the employers offering those positions. It is a user-friendly, fun tool to use for career exploration! The link for this portal is, so please share with others as we get the word out about this valuable resource!