Frequently Asked Questions
Making a decision about caregiving for a loved one is never easy. To be comfortable with your options, you need answers. We hope the following information is a good start. If your questions aren’t completely answered, call us today at {{PHONE}}. We'd be...
Aging-in-Place Guide
With the vast majority of older adults wanting to remain in their homes as they age, it’s essential to identify the potential roadblocks and how to address them. Certain aging...
Ways To Pay for In-Home Senior Care: A Guide for Families
The vast majority of older adults want to age in place, in their own homes, as long as they can. However, aging, disability, illness or injury can make living at home a challenge. In-home care provided by professionals like Right at Home can be the answer...
Fall Prevention Guide
The home should be a place of comfort for aging loved ones or those with disabilities. But, without a fall prevention strategy, it could...
Understanding Grief: A Guide for Grieving Caregivers
Grief associated with the loss or the expected loss of a loved one can be overwhelming. Intense and often unexpected emotions can feel unmanageable and unending. As a caregiver, you may have experienced anticipatory...
Paying for In-Home Care
Right at Home cares for thousands of families just like yours. We know that hiring an in-home care agency is one of the most important decisions you’ll make—you want to get it right and you have a lot of questions. One of the biggest questions is usually...
Work With Us
We are looking for people who are as driven as we are to improve the quality of life for those we serve. It’s an incredibly rewarding mission that our team is dedicated to achieving. Our support staff and caregivers play key roles in empowering seniors...
Areas We Serve
Supporting Columbia, MO and the Surrounding Communities Right at Home Columbia, is honored to provide in-home care services to the following communities and their surrounding areas: Ashland, Boonesboro, California, Centertown, Central Missouri...
Hospital to Home Services in Columbia
After a stay at the hospital or other care facility, there’s nothing like returning to the comfort of home. A discharge from the hospital can seem like a welcome end to an injury or illness. But the transition to living at home can be daunting. It’s...
Respite Care: Relief for the Family Caregiver
When a loved one needs care, it’s natural for you to want to take on the responsibility. But, caring for your parent, sibling, spouse or other loved one is no small feat. Trying to manage their care while juggling the other responsibilities in your life...