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Female caregiver on the phone, smiling. Female caregiver on the phone, smiling.

Senior Nutritional Counseling

Eating well is vital for everyone at all ages. Whatever your age, your daily food choices can make an important difference in your health and in how you look and feel. Eating well gives you the nutrients needed to keep your muscles, bones, organs, and other parts of your body healthy throughout your life.

nutritional food pyramidGetting older means that you now have special nutritional needs and issues that can make it more difficult to eat the right balance of nutritious foods. Older adults are particularly vulnerable to nutritional concerns because of gradual physiological changes, such as vision, hearing, smell, taste, body and muscle mass, bone density, and immune system changes, that all affect nutritional intake and overall health status when aging. A high-quality, nutritionally adequate diet becomes more critical.

Right at Home Cleveland registered nurses and caregivers can help you or your loved ones identify and choose foods that are consistent with various dietary needs. Our RNs are available to do visits with families to provide nutritional counseling and assist newly diagnosed individuals with diabetes, and our caregivers can assist with daily choices, grocery shopping, and meal preparation. We understand that it is of utmost importance that older adults of all groups and populations adopt healthy lifestyle practices and dietary habits to reduce the burden of chronic disease and maximize quality of life and healthy aging.

As we age, eating well can also be the key to a positive outlook and staying emotionally balanced. Ultimately, nutrition goals in the older population are to maintain health and quality of life throughout the continuum of the aging process.

Click on the items below to view meal planning and grocery resources.

Diabetic Grocery List

Tips for Healthy Diabetic Meal Planning

Low Sodium Diet Foods List

Please consult with your physician for specific recommendations regarding your nutritional and dietary needs.

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(216) 752-2222

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