Caricatures and Camaraderie at American House Cottage
Right at Home Spending Another Wonderful Afternoon at American House Cottage in Grosse Pointe
There are few things you can do with seniors, or I should say with any group, that will bring out the sassy comments and wonderful camaraderie from a group of peers. Most of us are hesitant to being put on the spot and don't feel comfortable when everyone is looking at us.
As an introverted extrovert myself, I have no idea how I for some reason feel very comfortable sitting in the middle of everyone and being looked at for two hours while I'm drawing. My best guess is that the people I draw make me feel comfortable and confident enough to sit in the "spotlight". I always end up in amazing, interesting and fun conversations with all my models. I can also tell right away that they will do their utmost to make me comfortable and happy. The warmth and love being shared during these 15 minute drawing sessions are an experience I wish everyone could have.
Thank you to American House Cottage in Grosse Pointe for allowing me to visit!