Working From Home: The Good, The Ugly, The Surprise

Not Alone

Irena Politano
Michigan Conservators

1. Describe what you do and who you work for. 

I work for myself and currently have expanded to homeschooling.

Irena Politano Home Work Station

2. How does it feel working from home, what is your daily routine like now?

It’s a mess, kids are going stir crazy, husband is working (essential employee), I am working from home and homeschooling.

3. What is the most challenging aspect of working from home?

Not being able to go anywhere freely, having kids here and not having somewhere to take them.

The kids love having us both home all day, but we are working and sometimes working while being asked to look at me, can I tell you something, guess what, he’s copying me, I love you – can be a bit distracting.

4. What is the biggest positive change since you've started working from home?

I had to clean my house and purge lots, since my cleaning lady can’t come over, I forgot how much I enjoy it.

5. When things go back to "normal", how do you hope this period of working from home will change the way we work.

I will definitely not procrastinate on some little things that could have been done and now are not.

B. Grunewald
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