Working From Home: The Good, The Ugly, The Surprise

Not Alone

Suzy Berschback
Healthy Communities Manager
Beaumont Health’s Healthy Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods

1. Describe what you do and who you work for. 

I have worked for Beaumont for 12 years, the last year building Healthy Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods community health coalition. We invite anyone who would like to build a healthier community to join us.

Suzy Berschback Home Work Station

2. How does it feel working from home, what is your daily routine like now? 

I think I am still trying to find a routine! I think my dog is getting tired of my walking work breaks! She is like, “Again?” I am trying to take a morning, mid-day and late afternoon walk around the block for a break. I like to take a long walk after work and always have when the weather is good. At Beaumont it is all hands-on deck right now so daily assignments have been different from my normal job.

3. What is the most challenging aspect of working from home?

I think it is learning all the new technology for video calls and sharing files electronically. It is the constant learning curve. Just when you think you have it, there is a new curve.

4. What is the biggest positive change since you've started working from home? 

I love spending more time with my husband and dog and being more in touch with my daughters and friends. The realization of how important our relationships are to our health. Quality of life is really about the quality of our relationships. We would all be healthier in good times and bad when we work on cultivating healthy relationships.

5. When things go back to "normal", how do you hope this period of working from home will change the way we work.

I hope we remember how important relationships are to our health, that prevention and wellness help boost our immunity. In good times and bad we should work self-care, appreciating nature, showing caring and kindness to each other into our daily routines. It really is good for us.

For more information, please connect with Healthy Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods on Facebook or

Suzy's coworker Lucy

Suzy's coworker Lucy

B. Grunewald
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