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Caregiver helping senior out of car. Caregiver helping senior out of car.

Congrats to Northeast Region Caregiver of the Year: Karl Beaucamp!

Congratulations to the Northeast Region Caregiver of the Year Winner: Karl Beaucamp!

Caregiver of the Year, Karl BeaucampEvery year, each Right at Home location can nominate caregivers for consideration for national caregiver of the year. Not only is Karl Beaucamp our Right at Home Lima caregiver of the year, but also the recipient of the Northeast Caregiver of the Year award for Right at Home nationally (1 of 4 regional winners). Karl shares that he feels that he has a responsibility and a duty to help people who are living with disabilities. This passion has helped Karl provide phenomenal care for some of his office’s most challenging clients. Karl’s many testimonials describe instances of Karl’s patience, his unmatched skill, his compassion and his fierce dedication to Right at Home.


Karl’s character is truly one in a million! He would give the shirt off of his back to anyone that needed it. He is kind and extremely generous. He does not have a selfish bone in his body. Karl’s father was in the military for many years, throughout Karl’s childhood. Karl has lived around the globe during his father’s military career. This life experience has contributed positively to his character. He understands and works well with people from different cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds. We recently accepted a 24/7 care home. There will be 3 young disabled adults residing in the home. These 3 individuals come from strained backgrounds. The only items they own are their clothes. Karl has spent some of his own paycheck on purchasing items that are needed for these 3 young men. Karl has also asked for donations from Walmart and the community. Karl has achieved in getting the majority of items needed to furnish this home. He has done it ALL out of the kindness of his heart.

Karl is the most genuine, kind and honest person I have ever met. I worked in the medical field for 11 years prior to opening my Right at Home office. I can’t recall working with a single doctor, nurse or aide that was as compassionate as Karl. - Right at Home, Lima, Ohio owner Sandra Bullock

Client Impact

Caregiver of the year, Karl Beaucamp with one of his clientsKarl has worked with almost every Right at Home client. He cares for both our disabled adults and elderly clients. He has positively impacted each individual that he works with. Karl not only completes his assigned task list, but he engages clients and gets them involved in the community. Just to name a few places he has taken his clients to: watch car races, ride bumper cars, county fairgrounds, events sponsored by the county board of DD, kayaking, bowling, and movies. Karl has hosted birthday parties for clients, inviting other caregivers, administrative staff, and the client’s family and friends. Karl enjoys making our client’s laugh. He truly serves our mission by improving the QUALITY of life for those we serve. He seeks out opportunities to make a difference in our client’s lives. His energy and ambition levels are of the highest I have ever seen. Karl gives and receives meaning and purpose. He appreciates any opportunity he has had, and looks forward to ones that will come.

Team Player

There is not a single Right at Home Lima employee that does not know Karl. Karl makes sure his co-workers get to work. If another caregiver’s car breaks down, Karl takes them to and from work. Karl has also offered to co-sign on another caregiver’s new vehicle purchase. He cares about everyone that he works with and would do anything to help them. Karl stops in the office every day to see if there is anything that we need help with. Karl has changed the dynamics of Right at Home. Prior to Karl being hired, many of our caregivers did not know one another. Karl has since closed that gap, and formed many friendships among the caregivers. The caregivers often call each other, and rely on one another to help each other in various ways. It feels that we are all a part of a family. We support one another in a way that truly DEFINES a TEAM! I honestly feel that this unison would have never taken place, if it weren’t for Karl bringing everyone together.

Thank you Karl for all the selfless work you do day in and day out, you are truly exceptional!

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