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Caregiver helping senior out of car. Caregiver helping senior out of car.

Family Caregiver Series

Fox River Valley Libraries | Family Caregiver Series | Dundee Library

Throughout the care giving journey, the role of family caregiver evolves and so should the services and support they receive. The Care Giving Years describes the path family caregivers take – from Expectant Caregiver, to Freshman Caregiver, to Entrenched Caregiver, to Pragmatic Caregiver to Transitioning Caregiver to Godspeed Caregiver.  Most important, the stages and their related Stumbles and Steadies provide a map for family caregivers to navigate successfully through the care giving journey.

Jeanette Palmer

Presented By

Veteran Benefit Specialist and Senior Advocate Jeanette Palmer brings her personal passion and commitment to providing dependable, professional in-home care and assistance to her neighbors in Cook, Kane and McHenry Counties through Right at Home.

Series Topics and Schedule

3/28/19 Part 1: The Expectant Caregiver. You have a family member or friend who you feel may need your help in the near future. Now is the time to ask questions and make plans. This workshop will help you ask the right questions and give you resources to help find the answers.

4/25/19 Part 2: The Freshman Caregiver. You are just starting on your care giving journey. This workshop will help you to find the services, system and supports that you will need to carry you through.

5/30/19 Part 3: The Entrenched Caregiver. You are now living out the plans and systems you set up in Parts 1 and 2. This is your new normal and you are living it well. This workshop will help you receive the strength and supports to keep going.

6/27/19 Part 4: The Pragmatic Caregiver. You are still caring for your loved one. Maybe it has been a long time. This workshop will give you the tools to keep pressing on and avoid burnout. You will learn to welcome these precious moments.

7/25/19 Part 5: The Transitioning Caregiver. Your role as a caregiver is about to change. You will now be walking through the final months and weeks with your caree. This workshop will help you allow through the season of grief and loss.

8/29/19 Part 6: The Godspeed Caregiver. It has been two years or more since your time of active care giving has ended. This workshop will help you treasure your life and chart a course of what next.


Dundee Library
555 Barrington Ave
East Dundee, IL 60118

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