Inspiring Care Giving Stories

The Importance of Human Touch

I would like to share an inspiring story about how Right at Home caregivers literally extended the life of a past client for 2 years. Our Right at Home caregivers were called to a facility to be a sitter for a dementia client on hospice who was extremely agitated and restless and would climb out of her wheelchair and bed throughout the day at the facility.  She sustained many bruises and cuts from falls.  Right at Home caregivers provided one on one care with the client keeping her calm and less agitated. Through their compassionate human touch and companionship of the trained Right at Home caregivers, the resident was removed from hospice for about 6 months because she began thriving once again. She would answer simple coherent questions and would recognize familiar faces. It was something staff and family members had never seen before. The client began gaining weight and followed simple cues as she engaged in daily socialization. She lived a full two more years with our one on one sitter service. Human touch and socialization are so important for any senior’s existence.

We are inspired by these stories every day.

A. Aidinovich
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