Female Right at Home caregiver helping senior female client stuff holiday cards into envelopes at a kitchen table Female Right at Home caregiver helping senior female client stuff holiday cards into envelopes at a kitchen table

Understanding Elder Abuse: Types, Signs, and Prevention

What Is Elder Abuse?

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) states that 1 in 10 adults aged 60+ have experienced elder abuse over the past year1. But, let’s start by answering the following question: what exactly is elder abuse? According to the NCEA, elder abuse refers to “any intentional or negligent act by a caregiver or a trusted person that causes or creates a serious risk of harm to an older adult”. Elder abuse often occurs in the home or within a senior care facility – the spaces in which elderly individuals should feel the safest. Preventing elder abuse is a shared responsibility that belongs to families, caregivers, healthcare providers, and even community members. We are going to discuss the different types of elder abuse, how to recognize elder abuse, and, most importantly, how to prevent elder abuse.

What are the Different Types of Elder Abuse?

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) defines elder abuse as one of the following:

  • Physical abuse: Inflicting bodily harm or pain on an elderly person, including hitting, slapping, or pushing them.
  • Emotional abuse: Verbal or non-verbal behavior that causes psychological harm, including threats, intimidation, humiliation, and isolation.
  • Financial exploitation: Taking advantage of an elderly person’s financial resources, such as stealing money, forging checks, or coercing them into giving away assets.
  • Neglect: Failing to provide adequate care, food, shelter, or medical treatment for an elderly person, often by a caregiver or family member.
  • Sexual abuse: Any non-consensual sexual activity involving an elderly person.
  • Self-neglect: When an older adult fails to care for themselves, putting their health and safety at risk due to mental or physical limitations.

Elder abuse is a devastating issue with serious consequences that can range from depression and isolation to death. Let’s dive into how to recognize when a problem may be occurring.

What are the Warning Signs of Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse often goes unreported. This can be due to factors such as fear, embarrassment, and cognitive impairment. Therefore, it is crucial for caregivers and family members to be educated on what to look out for in order to spot elder abuse. Some common warning signs include:

  • Physical signs of injury: Unexplained cuts, bruises, burns, etc. may be indicators of physical elder abuse.
  • Withdrawal or mood changes: Abrupt withdrawal from social interactions, depression, anxiety, or fearful behavior (particularly when a specific person is nearby) can signal emotional or psychological elder abuse.
  • Unusual financial activity: Sudden changes in an elderly person’s financial situation, such as missing money, new debts, or unusual bank withdrawals, can be signs of financial exploitation.
  • Poor hygiene or neglect of basic needs: Dehydration, malnutrition, unkempt appearance, or lack of proper clothing may be signs of neglect.
  • Changes in behavior or personality: Sudden aggression, confusion, or fearfulness can be a reaction to elder abuse.
  • Inconsistent stories or explanations: If the elderly person’s explanation for injuries or changes in behavior doesn’t seem to add up, that could suggest abuse.

Steps to Prevent Elder Abuse

Now let’s discuss steps that can be taken to prevent elder abuse.

  • Ensure Proper Training for Caregivers: Whether a caregiver is a family member or a professional, they should receive proper training on things like how to assist with daily activities, manage medications, and handle challenging situations.
  • Monitor the Care Environment: Regularly check in with elderly loved ones in order to monitor their living environment, specifically if they live in an elderly care facility.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Make sure that your elderly loved ones feel safe communicating their worries with you or another trusted source. Don’t shy away from asking direct questions when necessary.
  • Create a Financial Safety Net: Monitor financial transactions or even set up joint accounts, when appropriate.
  • Know the Legal Rights and Resources Available: Be aware of the protective laws in place and keep phone numbers for elder abuse hotlines handy.

Elder abuse is far too common and it is crucial that caregivers and family members remain vigilant for the sake of their elderly loved ones. By recognizing the signs of abuse, educating caregivers, establishing open communication, and utilizing legal and community resources, we can help protect seniors from harm.

If you suspect elder abuse, reach out to local adult protective services or call a helpline to report your concerns immediately. Help to ensure that your loved one receives the care and respect they deserve.

Rachel and Matt Field dressed up standing next to each other
Matt and Rachel Field, owners of Right at Home in Orland Park, IL along with their office staff and professional caregiving team, are proud to provide in-home care to seniors and adults with disabilities who want to live independently. Their mission is to improve the quality of life for those they serve, and they live their mission through the compassionate care that their caregivers and staff provide each and every day. If you would like to learn more about how Right at Home can help you or a loved one, please contact us today at (708) 873-9007.
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