September Kokua Council Meeting

Right at Home on Oahu’s Operation Manager attended the 09/24/2018 Monthly Kokua Council Meeting.

Condo issues is today’s topic. ‘Consumer Protection, Averting Homelessness, & Other Challenges for Seniors in Condos, Featuring Benedyne Stone, Condo Specialist, DCCA Real Estate Branch, Daria Loy-Goto, DCCA Regulated Industries Complaints Office (RICO), Lourdes Scheibert, Condo Owner/Board Members/Owners’ Advocate, Ryan Robertson, Manager, Atlas Insurance Agency.

Our discussion was quite active. There’s clearly room for improvement. The presenters discussed, Hawaii State law, through the Condominium Property Acts, Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapters 514A and 514B, provides for a number of rights for owners of condominium units. ... affairs of the association, limited only by federal and state laws, county ordinances, and condominium governing documents. Condo Owners discussed predatory personal cases & questioned the pay before you can claim issues. Member concerns were Lawyer fees discovered after the fact with no recourse. One Kokua member’s report stated only 15% of the Hawaii Condos are running smoothly. Concerns of astronomical repair fees & a tedious, seemingly punitive reporting process that delays, discourages & often times prevents the necessary repairs from occurring. The Condo Association Representative, Lourdes, reported her repairs took five years to occur. At an astronomical cost & very tedious process. The Kokua Members are hoping a new bill being introduced this session will help the situation. Thank you to our presenters. You were very helpful. & as always, thank you to our members for sharing their stories & asking the questions we needed to ask. Answers are still needed. But your questions were heard today. That’s a start.

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Right at Home offers in-home care to seniors and adults with disabilities who want to live independently. Most Right at Home offices are independently owned and operated, and directly employ and supervise all caregiving staff.
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