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Pink Day Event Recap - Making a Positive Impact for Breast Cancer Awareness

We are thrilled to share an event recap of our recent Pink Day held on Monday, October 23rd. The day was a tremendous success, filled with moments of reflection, honor, and a powerful display of support for breast cancer awareness.

Breast cancer is a disease that touches the lives of millions of people worldwide, and our collective efforts on Pink Day demonstrated our commitment to making a positive impact and showing our support for those affected by this illness.

Throughout our offices, the sea of pink was a sight to behold, as team members donned various shades of pink to raise awareness for breast cancer. We are incredibly proud of our team's dedication to this important cause, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to support breast cancer awareness.

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One of the most touching aspects of our event was the "Wall of Support" initiative. It gave us the opportunity to share uplifting messages with those who are currently battling breast cancer or celebrating their survival. This initiative was especially meaningful as it allowed us to connect with and encourage one of our colleagues, a 12-year breast cancer survivor. We honored her resilience and strength, and we were proud to have her as part of our team.



Thank you for making Pink Day a memorable and meaningful event. Let's continue to stand together in support of those affected by breast cancer and work towards a brighter future.

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Maria Vallejo bio image
Maria holds her Bachelor of International Business with an emphasis on Marketing and Fashion desing, as well as an emphasis on brand management and sustainability from the University Autonoma de Manizales Colombia. She has worked as a marketing asssistant and community manager for two years developing digital marketing strategies for several products and services that include customer relationship development and branding in social media, email marketing, website development, and SEO analysis. Maria has experience as a graphic designer, a photographer and with video editing. As the Marketing Assistant for Right at Home Seattle-Eastside and Pierce County, she manages the back-end process related to digital marketing and social media outreach. 
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