Signs of Senior's Difficulty in Managing Money
Sometimes noticing that your parent is having difficulty managing money is the first sign that there’s a problem. This can be the first sign that your loved one may be experiencing cognitive decline. Signs of managing money difficulty There are some...
Taking Your Senior On An Outing
As people age and experience sensory and mobility challenges, they tend to remain at home. They lose their confidence as they face their challenges. Their days are often monotonous and dull. Going on an outing with your senior can be a fun experience for...
Holiday Gifts for the Seniors in Your Life
It’s the season of gift giving! It is nice to give a gift, as it signifies the thought and consideration of that person receiving the gift in your life. It also tells them that you like them, and you feel like being generous to them. Both giving and...
Winter Safety for Seniors
For many, winter brings a joyful anticipation of holidays, with warm gatherings of family and friends making heartfelt memories together. But winter can be difficult for aging adults, especially those who are struggling with medical conditions. Fall...
Simplify your Holidays
Many of us look forward to the holidays with memories of family gathered around a fire, a big Christmas tree with lights and ornaments, and the aroma of delicious food wafting through the air. These traditions may be in our minds whether they were ever a...
Best Dogs For Seniors
For those of us who enjoy the company of dogs, having a canine friend is an enhancement to life. Many studies have shown that having a dog in your life can not only make you feel happier, but it can improve your health and increase your longevity. Dogs...
Following a Dementia Diagnosis
Hearing a diagnosis of dementia can seem overwhelming. Thoughts of being out of control can flood your mind. But before you become completely caught up in fear, remember that You are still you! You may have difficulty with memory, but that is...
Seniors and Social Isolation
Poor health outcomes in seniors have been linked to social isolation and loneliness. Making sure that your senior has a social life is essential emotionally, physically, and mentally. How to Avoid Social Isolation Social isolation and loneliness can...
Holidays and Seniors
There’s always a lot of grumbling about the fact that the stores start preparing for the fall and winter holidays before people are ready for summer is be over. The Halloween costumes make their appearance come August followed shortly thereafter by...