Amanda Pratt and Lauren Gorden from Tower Hill Healthcare Center

Amanda Pratt and Lauren Gorden from Tower Hill Healthcare Center 

Silver Solutions Radio Guests Amanda Pratt and Lauren Gorden

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are your individual roles at Tower Hill and background?
  • Does Tower Hill offer any specialty services?
  • What levels of care does Tower Hill Offer?
  • Tell us about your Therapy/Rehab Dept.
  • What are your daily rates?
  • What providers do you use and do you have medical professionals who see the residents in house?
  • What is your admission process for someone admitting from the hospital or another facility vs coming home?
  • What activites can residents enjoy?
  • What steps do you take to maintain good communication with you residents and their families and provide excellent customer service?


Tower Hill Healthcare Center’s mission statement is implemented in actions, just not words. Management and staff are committed to best practice standards in all aspects of direct care as well as ensuring that residents have a warm and comfortable environment that promotes healing and self-worth.

Tower Hill Healthcare Center eases the transition from hospital to home by providing individualized and compassionate care to every resident. They offer a wide variety of services including skilled nursing, rehabilitation, a state-certified secured Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias care unit, short term respite care, and wound care.

Phone: 847-697-3310
Address: 759 Kane St. South Elgin, IL 60177


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Tower Hill Healthcare Center

Amanda Pratt and Lauren Gorden from Tower Hill Healthcare Center are today's guest.

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