Nancie Dorjath Discusses the Importance of Having Powers of Attorney In Place for All Adults

Nancie Dorjath discusses the importance of having powers of attorney in place for all adults.

Anci Dorjath

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What is a Power of Attorney?
  • What does "durable power of attorney" mean?
  • When does the Power of Attorney take effect?
  • If I give someone a Power of Attorney, does that mean I don't have control over my money any more?
  • Can the Power of Attorney be used by the agent to take my money or property without my permission?
  • If I think someone is using my Power of Attorney to steal from me, what can I do?
  • How can I revoke my Power of Attorney?
  • Do I need to get a new Power of Attorney if I move to a different state?
  • Why do I need a Power of Attorney?
  • Where should I keep my Power of Attorney?
  • Do I need to update my Power of Attorney if nothing has changed?


Anci Dorjath 


The Dorjath Law Center was opened in order to create a new type of Elder Law practice; one which is not only dedicated to personally connecting with seniors and their families, but also one that gives back to the community. We have a strong belief that by working together we can improve our community and make a big difference in the lives of others!

We specialize in Elder Law, Medicaid Planning, Medicaid Appeals, Estate Planning, Special Needs Planning and Veterans' Benefits. Nancie loves working with seniors and their families to understand their needs and enjoys the challenges of the legal profession. She is knowledgeable, understanding, compassionate and a true advocate for her clients' needs.

We take a holistic approach to helping our clients and their families. We have a saying that "your life story matters" and this gets to the heart of what makes us different. We get to know everything that we can about your situation and how you reached the point where you need legal assistance. We know this makes for better outcomes and allows for an integrated approach to solutions. At other firms you will get a few moments with the attorney and then often you are moved off to work with other support staff. At the Dorjath Law Center you can be assured that you will always be able to speak with Nancie. She will provide the personal attention that you need and deserve.

Nancie Golnick Dorjath has been practicing law since 1997. She began her legal career handling many different aspects of Estate Planning Law. She is dedicated to working hard for inpiduals in order to protect their assets and plan for an uncertain future. She is a VA Accredited Attorney who also does a great deal of work and consultation within the Elder Law community.

Nancie lives in the Tri-cities area and when she is not working she spends her time with her husband, two sons and daughter. In the spring she can often be found on a collegiate baseball or softball diamond, watching her children compete. She spends time volunteering in her community and loves to get out and meet new people and try new things. When at home, she enjoys hanging out and relaxing with her three dogs. She and her family have also been foster "parents" to more than fifteen additional dogs who have now gone on to find their own forever homes! She is a public speaker on elder law issues and an avid community volunteer.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your situation please call Nancie directly at 630-761-3600 or you may reach her via email at

Episode Video:

Nancie Dorjath

Nancie Dorjath discusses the importance of having powers of attorney in place for all adults. 

K. Wetters
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