Fall Prevention Strategies

Cabrini Apartments Residents Learn Fall Prevention Strategies from Right at Home

Every second of every day in the United States an older adult falls, making falls the number one cause of injuries and deaths from injury among older Americans. Head injuries and hip fractures are some of the more serious results of a fall. Older adults are living longer and they have more chronic conditions, which is leading to an increase in falls.

Fall Prevention Talk

When a resident at Cabrini Apartments, (East 19th Street, New York) recently fell and broke her arm, Philip Deans, Housing Manager, Cabrini Apartments felt it was important for the residents to learn about fall prevention. Philip invited Albert Eshoo, Owner Right at Home of Lower Manhattan and Walter Ochoa, Owner Right at Home Brooklyn/Staten Island to talk about fall prevention strategies.

There are many factors that effect balance; physical weakness, medications and cognitive or visual impairment. Knowing that the home can become a hazardous environment for seniors Albert said “many falls are preventable so it’s important to be aware of the dangers and remove them.”

Fall Prevention Talk 

Fall Prevention Talk

Walter talked about how to make your home safer by getting rid of fall hazards.His presentation included pictures of where potential hazards could be found in each room of the house. Walter spoke about three important items to watch for:

  1. Good lighting
  2. Clutter
  3. Easy access to the things you use the most

Walter stressed to keep yourself balanced and steady it’s important to make three points of contact no matter what you are doing, (i.e. getting up from a chair, reaching for something etc.) have two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand in contact with something sturdy.

Some other items for seniors to consider for keeping safe are:

  • Finding someone to check on them regularly
  • Scheduling vision checks
  • Discussing medications with their physician
  • Checking their balance
  • Establishing light-exercise routines like Tai-Chi


The presentation, which took place in the Cabrini Apartments Community Room, was a big success. Leah Lee, Case Manager Cabrini Apartments, said the residents learned a lot from the presentation and told Albert and Walter “Thanks for coming and the residents enjoyed the presentation”.

To learn more about Fall Prevention and view other additional resources, download our free guides:

Additional Resources

Fall Prevention Brochure


Fall Prevention Guide

Preventing falls is preventing hospital readmission and helps seniors stay in their homes longer. Let's keep your loved one on their feet! Find out more about fall prevention with this free brochure!

Free Download

Adult Caregiving Guide


Adult Caregiving Guide

Only Right at Home can provide the Right Care. We tailor our care to your unique situation through a Custom Care Plan. Download your free Adult Caregiving Guide today.

Free Download

Aging in Place Guide


Aging-in-Place Guide

Nearly 90 percent of older adults want to remain in their home in later life. To help, Right at Home designed the Aging -in-Place Guide, a practical resource for every aging adult and every family.

Free Download

J. Barocas
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