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Planning Ahead to Age in Place

Continuing Education Units Webinar

On Thursday, September 15, 2022, Right at Home Nassau Suffolk is sponsoring a free webinar, “Building an Army of Advocates, and Home Safety and Accessibility Considerations” presented by Carmen Hendricks.

Title Building an Army of Advocates, and Home Safety and Accessibility Considerations
Date Thursday, September 15, 2022
Time 1:00 PM
Cost Free
Credit Includes 1 complimentary CE credit*
Webinar Register

Determining whether or not one’s current home is conducive to aging in place is often a daunting task, especially if there are medical or mobility limitations at play. For some, downsizing to a home with a smaller footprint might be the better option. But for others, there are a number of home modifications that can facilitate aging in place, a.k.a. “right-sizing” within one’s current home. This webinar will focus on (1) identifying the professional advisers and advocates who can help clients and patients make an informed decision on whether downsizing or “right-sizing” is best for them, and (2) the types of home modifications that help facilitate safety and accessibility.

Participants in this webinar will be able to:

  • Identify the various factors (financial, physical, medical and community resources, family support, timing, etc.) clients or patients should consider when planning ahead to age in place.
  • Identify the professional advocates and advisers (geriatric care managers, accountants, financial planners, certified aging-in-place specialists, medical professionals, etc.) who can help clients and patients make an informed decision on whether, and perhaps at what point in time, to downsize or “right-size.”
  • List various home modifications that facilitate home safety and accessibility.


About the Presenter:

Carmen Hendricks webinar presenter

Carmen Hendricks, Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist

Carmen Hendricks is a certified aging-in-place specialist (CAPS) and managing member of TruBlue House Care of Vienna, a handyman company in Northern Virginia. As a certified aging-in-place specialist, Carmen conducts senior safety assessments for older adults and their families, geriatric care managers, and in-home care providers. If clients opt to move forward with her safety recommendations, she works with her team of handymen at TruBlue to implement those recommendations.

*This webinar is designed for professionals and family caregivers. Eligible professionals can claim ONE FREE CE credit within 60 days of the live webinar by attending the live event or watching the recorded program. Your credit will be emailed within 30 days of survey submission. For a list of approved accreditation providers and other information, visit https://asaging.org/ceu-information.

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