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Senior Home Care Blog

Disabled adult male sitting in a wheelchair in a living room. Disabled adult male sitting in a wheelchair in a living room.

Living With Muscular Dystrophy as a Senior

September 23, 2024 Caregiving
Being a family caregiver for someone with muscular dystrophy can be challenging and stressful. These tips can help you manage.
A senior female client standing outside next to her female Right at Home caregiver smiling together A senior female client standing outside next to her female Right at Home caregiver smiling together

Celebrating the Possibilities: A Fresh Perspective on Healthy Aging Month 2024

September 18, 2024 Life Planning
People might think healthy aging simply means healthy eating and getting regular exercise. But it can also be about new things you start doing to stay active, engaged, and positive in your senior years. Here are some things to think about.
Senior male client using a cane is walking down the street holding hands with his female Right at Home caregiver Senior male client using a cane is walking down the street holding hands with his female Right at Home caregiver

When Seniors Fall but Don’t Tell

September 17, 2024 Family & Loved Ones | Health & Safety | Caregiving
Seniors who have had a fall are twice as likely to fall again in the future. If the reason for the fall isn’t addressed, the next fall could be worse and more costly. Why do seniors not seek help for this? Here are possible reasons why and the risks of keeping it a secret.
An African-American, senior female, sitting on a sofa An African-American, senior female, sitting on a sofa

Elderly Parent Refusing Help? Helpful Tips for Families

September 11, 2024 Family & Loved Ones | Life Planning
We all want to be there for our parents as they age. However, if your elderly loved one needs help to be safe at home alone but refuses such assistance, what can you do? Here are tips to address that issue.
Take control of your heart health - with icon of a heart with a heart rate and danger sign in it Take control of your heart health - with icon of a heart with a heart rate and danger sign in it

Take Control of Your Heart Health

September 09, 2024 Health & Safety
How is your heart health? If you’re an older adult, here are the risk factors for cardiovascular disease and tips to help you manage your heart health.
A senior female client is carving a pumpkin with her grandson at a kitchen table, while a female Right at Home caregiver looks on A senior female client is carving a pumpkin with her grandson at a kitchen table, while a female Right at Home caregiver looks on

Active Grandparents Live Healthier and Longer

September 05, 2024 Family & Loved Ones
While retirement offers a chance to relax and slow down, older adults still need to be active. They could do this through participating in physical activities with their grandkids. Here are ways to exercise by engaging in fun activities with the younger generation.
A senior couple portrait  A senior couple portrait

How Keeping a Journal Helps Dementia Caregivers

September 03, 2024 Alzheimer's & Dementia Care Support | Caregiving | Family & Loved Ones
If you are a family caregiver for someone with dementia, you know it can be stressful. Experts say journaling may help. Here’s how.
Female Right at Home caregiver helping instruct senior female client, laying on a bed, how to stretch Female Right at Home caregiver helping instruct senior female client, laying on a bed, how to stretch

The Health Benefits of Tai Chi in Older Adults and How To Get Started

August 29, 2024 Family & Loved Ones | Health & Safety
Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that offers gentle, low-impact exercise that is well suited to older adults and their need for improved balance, mobility, and overall physical and mental health. Here is information about what tai chi offers and how to learn it.
A mother and adult daughter sitting together A mother and adult daughter sitting together

How To Tell That Your Aging Parent Needs Help at Home

August 27, 2024 Caregiving | Life Planning | Family & Loved Ones
You want your aging mom or dad to be safe and live comfortably in their home, but you worry about them. How do you know when it is time to get them some assistance? Here’s what to look for.
Female Right at Home caregiver look at a senior male client who is enjoying his lunch outside Female Right at Home caregiver look at a senior male client who is enjoying his lunch outside

Nutritional Guidance for the Top 3 Chronic Diseases in Older Adults

August 22, 2024 Health & Safety | Alzheimer's & Dementia Care Support
One of the best ways to combat chronic conditions that arise as you age is through managing the food you eat. Here are tips for eating healthy and specific foods to include and avoid as you age.

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