Understanding of LTCI Benefits
The experts at Right at Home Westchester, will help policyholders understand and verify their long-term care insurance benefits. Our senior care professionals will guide you through the process of reviewing and filing a claim so you can start receiving benefits. Make sure to call us today, to take advantage of the free long-term care insurance assessment. Once done, we will coordinate a conference call with you and your insurance carrier to do the following:
- Analyze & identify the requirements from your policy, which includes any elimination periods, daily maximum, life-time benefits, and coverage.
- Provide free home care assessment to provide to LTC company.
- Assist the policyholders in completing the necessary forms to file a claim.
Long-Term Care Insurance Resources
Long Term Care Insurance Home Care Rehab
Most folks I visit with are surprised to learn that an in-facility or home-care rehab might count on their long term care policy. While the policy will not pay for the care when Medicare pays, it will count those dates towards the deductible window (also called a "wait window" and "elimination period"). This is may not be a small amount of money...
If there are even 20 days of rehab that "count", than that is 20 days of care the policy holder need not pay out of pocket before the policy kicks in to pay. Let's say care costs roughly $200/day (it has wide variation -- this is just an example!). Then 20 days X $200 per day = $4000 that is saved by making sure the rehab is included on the long term care claim. If a person has as much as 60 days, we are up to 5 figures of money. So, not chump change!
Rehab won't always count, mind. The details of why it will or won't can be a little complex - please reach out if we can answer questions on this. Our initial call with folks is always free and we can frequently answer this question so claimants and family can be strategic. My usual exhortation is this if you are in doubt: include it. It may not count, but if it does, it can be significant.
For answers to other questions like this please contact us.
Concierge Long-term Care Resource Center
Remember, our concierge long-term care resource center will not only assist you and your senior loved one with details of your policy, but we can also help coordinate and deliver care, which will provide you with the peace of mind, more time to spend a happy, healthy, and independent lives.
Also, we have established relationships with various long-term care insurance carriers, and third-party administrators to make the claims process easier for you and your loved one. So, let us be your advocate. We can help you receive benefits and the compassionate care you need and deserve. Call us today to speak with one of our senior care professional advisors for a FREE benefits analysis.